H keeps saying it and I can’t quite believe it either but after what has been a roller coaster of emotional highs and lows we have gone through the first two years in The Fifth’s Elements life.
The Fifth Element. The one who made our family complete.
Abe-y Baby as her sisters liked to call her that first year. The Label by a neighbor. No, we did not name her after a ’30 Rock’ character either. Though Donaghey does have a certain ring to it. “Serious Baby is serious.” as another neighbor likes to say. Short Stack as she is called by us, her parents. If her sisters are nicknamed after dictators and an insane graphic novel character then she should have something beyond The Fifth Element or “third baby”. Though it is all very appropriate. As much as I hate to admit it, unwittingly the nickname The Fifth Element, is indeed divine. You complete us as a family and makes us whole. Without even knowing it we needed you to keep us together. Your smiles, laughs and ability to be a buffer or simply another antagonist in our house makes it all the more crazy, lovable. extremely loud and in working order.
You who falls asleep each night as if you have passed out from too much of a good time. Who yells, “Door!” each morning when you want to get up. You still, at this unbelievable age of two, have chunky thighs that make people squeal as we stand in store aisles and a gap-toothed grin that makes others smile. You are a watcher initially until you deem something worth joining and you like to be in charge. Your impatience is monumental and produces disbelief in many.
Silly, full of fun, a devouring machine when it comes to kernels of buttered popcorn and endless cups of milk. Our little dancer. We love you darling girl with your serious ways and thoughtful eyes. Happy Birthday!
Serious baby is serious when it comes to cake.

Happy 2nd birthday to The Fifth Element! Such a wonderful blog post!
Very sweet — and a very happy birthday to your wee one.
I can’t believe it either.
It is so weird to think that next year she goes to preschool!