Skin-Tightening my Winter Skin

It's almost March which means it is almost spring. Thank goodness! While I hibernated through the snow in January and embraced the pink and red hues in early to mid-February baking a delicious molten chocolate cake with raspberries. I stayed indoors, read a lot, curled up by the fire and encased in blankets. I did my daily skincare routine, I exercised throughout the months and stayed hydrated. However, I noticed that no matter what moisturizer I used in the morning, hydrating anti-aging serum, or night cream, my skin was dry and peeling. This was especially true around my mouth. Getty Images via Unsplash. I decided to get a hydrating facial in January. Nada. Still dry and flaky. Then again in February but the same results happened. I even added a heavier night cream, stopped using … [Read more...]

5 Things to Know Before Getting Botox

Botox is a versatile treatment that can be used on many different areas. Many people opt for botox surgery because it enhances their appearance.  The surgery decreases the muscles' capacity to contract entirely, which in turn reduces the appearance of wrinkles caused by facial expressions. Even with that said, people have a lot of questions about the procedure. So, here are some things you need to know before getting botox. Botox Is Quite Popular Botox is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures for many reasons. Some of these include the fact that it produces amazing results, the procedure takes a short time, and the chance of obtaining side effects is slim. All of these factors have made botox injections such as botox injections in Raleigh, NC or Botox in Las Vegas, NV as the … [Read more...]

Pre-Holiday Health & Beauty Tips

The holidays may look different than we are used to this year, but that does not mean that the celebrations must stop. The holidays remain a joyful and festive time of year even if we can’t gather how we usually would. You will want to look and feel your best throughout the holidays so you can enjoy the time you can spend with your loved ones. Preparing for the holidays involves deep cleaning the house with the help of experts like Arbor Trailing Cleaning. This may also include carpet cleaning with some help of carpet cleaning salem and setting up a tree, as you can prepare yourself for the holidays. Go into the holiday season and celebrations with your best foot forward and your body as healthy as it can be to ring in the new year. Do Not Skip Meals Holiday meals tend to be decadent and … [Read more...]

3 Tips to Help You Find the Right Products for Your Hair

Nothing is more disappointing than finding a great hair care product only to learn that lawsuits have been filed against that company because it's been making their customers' hair fall out. Several hair care products have fallen under this unfortunate umbrella in the last few years. Between just February and March 2020, three class-action lawsuits were filed against DevaCurl claiming the products damaged customers' hair and caused hair loss during and immediately after it was used. Class-action lawsuits are a type of personal injury suit that can be filed with the help of a personal injury lawyer, and the defendant has about three weeks to answer the claim once filed. Lawsuits like these, alongside bad reviews, can leave many of us wondering what's safe to put in our hair and on our … [Read more...]

What I Love This Week

I'm on a mission to find fun, engaging, sustainable, and easy ways to make our life more enjoyable, as well as those that give back.  It's summer and it's Covid Summer #Quarantinelife still (did we really think this would still be a thing?!) so our world is different.  I'm looking for new businesses to support and ways to help my community because we are all suffering, growing (PLEASE!), and finding ways to learn. Social Moms, Social Stuff I write for the website Social Moms on the regular.  Here's the latest from me. 10 Black-Owned Beauty Brands You Need to Discover and How to Soothe Irritated Skin (I'm looking at you, face mask). Feeling anxious?  How about eating your way to being anxiety-free?   Shocking No One My Teen is Bored Looking for some fun DIY beauty ideas to … [Read more...]

10 Best Tote Bags & More

coffee scrub, cbd beauty

Hello, and welcome to another week of quarantine!  Are you sick of quarantinis yet and are ready to move on to some mocktails?  Samesies! I *think* I might have cracked up last week.  Homeschooling three kids, trying to do some form of work, figure out my mental health and my families too had me feeling depressed, out of sync and done in.  I have not been in a good place.  But you know what I'm talking about don't you?  We all feel this way. I tell myself that every day is a day to learn something new, to educate my kids, to start over, and see good even when life is hard and we all feel like we are overwhelmed or unsure what to do.  To daily show kindness, love, respect, and that I am listening and learning and I care. I stand with you.  Hate has no place here. Kindness is always in … [Read more...]

Benefits of Collagen Supplements You May Not Know About

Disclosure: This is a TMC guest post by Naomi Shaw.  Affiliate links are used to provide compensation.  Opinions are 100% my own.   Collagen is one of the most commonly found proteins in our bodies and is one of the primary structural proteins that form our connective tissue. From our skin and bones to our hair, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, collagen is a crucial component. With how widespread collagen is in our bodies, it stands to reason that collagen supplements would be in high demand. There are some potential benefits of collagen supplements that many people find desirable, but collagen supplements are still largely untested. For those looking for supplements that will improve muscles and strength, try the MK 677. Collagen vs. Collagen Supplements Collagen is a … [Read more...]

At-Home Skin Care Tips During Quarantine

These are unprecedented times for many of us, and if you're one of the people that has been able to work from home these past weeks, you are likely enjoying the absence of a rushed morning routine. Working from home can be great, but it can also be isolating and unprofessional. A virtual office in London is the perfect way to add a touch of professionalism to your business, without the expense of renting an office. Head to to find out more about the services they offer. If you have been lucky enough to skip the slacks or jeans and slide into your home office in your favorite sweats and t-shirt, you may be wondering why your skin isn’t looking it’s best when you seem to be at peak relaxation. Everyone is always preaching that you need to let your … [Read more...]

My 4 Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Spring

Hello! Who is ready for some bright, shiny color to add to their days?  Is anyone else not feeling all the neutral WAH comfy, cozy outfits anymore?  Same same.  I'm ready for bold color. I'm ready for warm weather and being able to spend time outside even if it is still with just the people that reside within my four walls. In the meantime, before we are all back out in the world on the regular, I'm leaning into some gorgeously fun nail polish shades for this spring.  They make me happy. Enough said. Living Coral by Butter London This color gives me life!  It's sheer and peachy and works well on all skin tones.  I love how glossy it is and it makes me excited for summer. Essie's Expressie line has a beautiful version of their own. 2. Bustling Bazaar by Essie This … [Read more...]

4 Nail Colors You Need Now

Hold up. Wait a minute.  What is that gorgeous blue Butter London shade of nail polish?  Well, it's 'Giddy Kipper'.  It is just one of the new blues to come out this year and is also one of 4 nail colors you need now.  It is also featured in Butter London's latest 'Guilty Pleasures' lacquer stash that is HALF OFF right now. Classic Blue as seen above will be all over the place this spring.  Pick up a shade of it from almost any nail polish company as there are sure to be boundless options to choose from.  It's also a nice addition if you plan on doing the gradient nail trend. White nails are white-hot again this year! OPI's 'Alpine Snow' looks beautiful and helps your hands look sharp this season. Cantaloupe shades are summery and sweet and just what we need as we edge into … [Read more...]