Photo courtesy of @purejulia Sometime in June I realized that it had been way too long since I had purchased any new summer sandals. So long ago that most were very flat and had zero support. My feet were feeling it too in those first few weeks of warm weather. Was I really ready for orthotic sandals for women? Thoughts of ugly sandals from my grandmother's days filled my head. And yes, I had managed to not jump on the Birkenstock bandwagon despite being a 90s teen. My size ten feet do not love any shoe that makes them look even larger than life. Surely I wasn't here yet? I thought about it and realized I only needed one or two pairs of sandals to counteract any of the other shoes I was wearing throughout the week. Whether at home or at work I have a tendency to … [Read more...]
Fall in Love with 2023 Fall Trends
Disclaimer: Please know this partnership is between Responsival, and The Mummy Chronicles, not AURATE. My opinions are 100% my own. Fall begins this week and with it comes all the gorgeous fall trends. In the warm summer months, I definitely gravitate towards colorful, bright pieces and as a standard my gold hoop earrings. However, with fall and its crisp, cool days, I play up the warmer tones and still stick to the classics with a simple gold necklace. There are also antique diamond earrings that can help maximize the potential of any fall outfit. Stay ethical yet stylish with lab diamonds Brisbane. But why stop there? Layering gold necklaces is another way to add depth and dimension to your look. Whether you are wearing a sold black turtleneck or cozy cardigan, a … [Read more...]
Hoop Earrings: A Versatile Classic
My love for iconic earring styles especially hoop earrings began when I was a preteen. My grandmother gave me my Christmas present that year, probably a sweater, and then she presented me with a smaller box. She said, "This is from your grandfather." I had never received a gift from just him before. I had a feeling it was really her but I opened up the tiny gift-wrapped box with its miniature bow and found a delicate pair of gold hoop earrings. I gasped. Then I immediately put the beautiful hoops on and never looked back. I wore them almost daily for the next 6-7 years until I became obsessed with wearing pearl studs. Courtesy @gabrieldizzi Fast forward a few decades and I still own the original pair of hoop earrings but now I have an array of styles, widths, designs, … [Read more...]
Mom’s Guide to Building a Freelance Fashion Business Online

If you enjoy fashion and all it has to offer, it's a great idea to start a business around it. With everyone heading online for different reasons, you will be at an advantage if you can grow your fashion business online. If you want to set up a physical office where you can meet with potential clients, make sure that it has a nice ambience and aesthetically-pleasing office signs and printed door hangers. Incorporating eco-friendly promotional items, as seen at, can be an effective marketing strategy. These items can convey your brand's eco-conscious values and commitments, setting you apart from your competitors. More than just a trend, it is a significant shift towards sustainable business practices that future generations will thank us for. You can also … [Read more...]
My Christmas Wishlist

I'm not big on Christmas or any of the holidays that roll around in December. For me, Halloween and Thanksgiving are where it is at. I love the weather, the vibrant colors, and the food. The fact that I can usually wear something colorful, cute, and elegant without a coat is also a major plus in my book. However, I'm inevitably asked by my family what I want for Christmas. Honestly, I never know what to ask for or tell them. I should make a 'NO SHOPPING' moratorium on myself from August to December just so I can have something to add to a wishlist. *Note to self: DON'T SHOP next year. Either that or think of experiences you want. Nevertheless, here we are. Another year, another request for a wishlist. And a request to buy something that is not books or candles. That right … [Read more...]
Mother Daughter Weekend Fun

I just spent the weekend shopping, eating, and taking in the sights in Philadelphia with my oldest daughter. This blog started because I became her mother so many years ago. Now, we are doing mother-daughter weekends away that don't involve strollers. Instead, it's serial killer and psychopath tours while taking in historic sights. No more sippy cups instead we hunt for pastries and testing out new culinary delights. I remember thinking the sweet spot was elementary school but I have to say that staying up late and having conversations about real life and her future are a real treat and blessing too. It was a fun mother/daughter weekend complete with a show one night that swiped a bucket list item off for her. I love weekend trips like this in the fall. It's less hectic than summer … [Read more...]
Fall Favorites 2021

Fall is officially here! Unlike last year where I had zero desire to shop for fall looks or even care about the trends that might be happening, Fall 2021 is pure fun. I'm excited to dive back into my closet, dust off my booties, and start wearing clothes that go beyond athleisure once again. Bring on the collar necklace to wear under the perfect white button-down shirt or sweater dress. Sling that new crossbody or bucket bag over your shoulder and head out into the crisp fall weather. Here are some of my favorites pieces that I bought but probably never wore (thanks, worldwide pandemic) and some new ones. Alexander Wang Lane Black Boots/AuRate Gold Collar Necklace/J.Crew Plaid Pants (similar)/Shopbop Shacket/Lioness Palermo Black Blazer/Lola Mae Crossbody Mad for Plaid … [Read more...]
Refreshing Your Look For Summer

Summer is a great time of the year to refresh your personal style and try something new. It is almost inevitable that every woman will look into their wardrobe and feel like they have nothing to wear. At that point, you may feel like you need to update your look. Here are a few tips on refreshing your look this summer. Find Pieces That Work For Both Vacation and Everyday Having clothing designated for specific activities(such as vacationing) is great. However, it can mean you have clothes you don't wear at all for long periods or your closet is overflowing. Having pieces that work for multiple occasions will have you wearing most of your clothes rather than having placeholders in your closet. If your family is one of the 9.9 million families that own a timeshare, you won't need to go … [Read more...]
What I Love for Spring
It's that time of year again. Spring is here! It is a time for renewal and all that comes with what I love about spring. I'm feeling very grand millennial in my home style and it is certainly trickling down into what I want to wear. Straw bags, even a vintage one from my grandmother, preppy prints, and colors. Gold hoops, white sneakers, vintage denim, animal prints, pastels, and some vibrant greens, yellows, and pinks will dominate my wardrobe over the next few months. What are you loving for spring 2021? Are you ready to ditch the sweats and leggings wardrobe and send your cozy sweaters to the back of the closet? I know that I am! I cannot wait for flowing sundresses paired with slides of all types. That goes along really well with my recent shopping over at Shopbop. They … [Read more...]
Favorite Jewelry for Spring Including Diamond Rings
Disclaimer: Please know this partnership is between the Responsival agency and TMC. Affiliate links are used and compensation is received through those links. Opinions are 100% my own. @_entreprenerd via The last few days have been really beautiful here in Virginia. The snow has melted, the sun has come out, and the temperatures are rising. When I step outside there is a feeling of freshness and dare I say it? There is a feeling of hope and that good things are just around the corner. Daisy ring for spring. I feel like getting outside more and getting dressed again. In the last few weeks, I have stepped away from leggings, slippers, and oversized tops. I am wearing real pants again, putting on lipstick before I start my workday, and adding accessories … [Read more...]