Reposted from my column at The DC Moms.
Pinterest is the time suck, er, lovely place where you can spend time pinning your heart out with beautiful things to cook, bake, and decorate — all in your head. In my experience, most of it never moves beyond the board. The gorgeous buffet you want to repurpose and paint in a stunning metallic grey stays on the board and not in your dining room. And when reality meets Pinterest dreamland the adorable cupcakes for the tiny tot’s birthday bash never make an appearance when Wegman’s has options too. However many funny, inspirational quotes, healthy meals or educational activities I pin next to this fall’s hottest boot style, most of my pins just never see fruition.
I may however, found a way to make Pinterest useful. Really, and not just in an organizational, aspirational sort of way.
It’s packing.
I went on a little weekend getaway with my husband sans kids, and when my mother showed up early to give me time to pack I thought to myself, “WAIT! Those adorable outfits I pinned with zeal earlier this week! I can pack those as my actual clothes. I’ll be a Pinterest board come to life!” And I did it. I have never had an easier time packing in my life. During the trip I felt comfortable and stylish. All the outfits I had pinned were from other people, but they were things I knew I had in my closet. I do this all the time but forget the outfits until about six months later when I’m in a whole other season and I think, “Oh right… there’s that gorgeous dress and cardigan with my black boots. I so could have worn that last fall!”
The beauty of the pins is that they are already accessorized. I knew I had similar items and just brought them up on my phone as I stood in my closet. With two pairs of shoes and three pairs of pants I had a four days worth of looks that only varied with my tops and accessories which stayed in the gold family. It felt crazy good. Maybe the real trick is pinning my closet and using it later when I’m pressed for time.
Day one is shown above from Eva Slagle’s (no link found) Polyvore board.
Day Two
*Image & inspiration pinned from Because Shanna Said So. I used nude ballet flats and a leopard print envelope clutch to add some depth.
Day Three
I excluded the scarf. I don’t own it. I added an oatmeal tank for warmth and my jeans are a brighter red, but it worked.
Day Four
It was that easy! Do you use Pinterest for your closet or in other aspects of your life? I did it again over the Thanksgiving holiday and could not believe how fast I packed.

What a great idea to use packing outfits from Pinterest. Now if I can only have a mini vacation. Lucky girl!
It was nice to have that breather and work on the road while my husband worked at the location.
Loving all your simple but chic vacation looks!
Love all your packing ideas! And was so surprised that you used my style as an idea. Thank you, sweet friend!! xoxo