Gratitude. One word and so many eye rolls and heavy sighs. At least from a lot of people I know. It’s a great idea in theory they chant. “Oh right, that journal thing?” Is another one I hear often. Yes. That’s one way to look at it. Or you could think of gratitude like this instead.
I get it. I really do. I find 30 days of gratitude sappy and I often end up feeling like a failure at it because after day 4 or 9 I have forgotten about posting my daily gratitudes. Is that a word? But what about looking at it this way?
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What if you start your day not turning on your phone and searching social media and emails first thing?
Those two things create feelings of not being enough before your feet even hit the floor. If you start the day stretching, meditating, praying or just putting forth what your intentions are for the day, and I am NOT talking about your to-do list, you will find that you are calmer and ready to tackle the day with good will and…wait for it… Gratitude. Isn’t that a good way to also introduce gratitude into your life daily?
How do you start your day? Does it begin with realizing all the areas that you have it good? That you are loved? It should.
Such a great post. And really good message. Starting the day with some positive outlook is a great start. 🙂
Thank you! And thanks for stopping by and reading! Have a great day!