Proud of My Mans

“So how do you feel knowing that your husband is about to go into the ring and get punched in the face?” Um.. I’m hoping that I don’t have a toothless spouse at the end of the night? I’m really not into that whole “I go no teefesus” look.

“What was it like seeing him up in the ring fighting?” Scary. Fun. Weird to know that now people know how much chest hair that man has. Heh.

“Are you excited? Do you feel like you are going to throw up or do you just want to see him wail on some dude?” Wail on the dude, not pour blood out of his face or make me have to yell things like, “I smell bacon! F the police H! Bring home the bacon, baby!” Obviously, H was fighting a cop.

I think I got asked these questions about ninety-bazillion times the night of H’s fight. It is as if people were surprised that I “let” him fight at all. While H remained calm all day prior to his first boxing match I found myself to be a nervous wreck. About two hours before when I was trying to figure out what to wear (and I tore my favorite Citizen’s jeans! Oh the humanity!) I had to put on some mind-melding music to talk me down from my imaginary ledge. Then the sitter came, I wiped the spit-out baby food off me and headed across the street to my friends house for a little liquid courage. By the time I got to the fight I was downright jovial and just proud of my man. I saw all his friends there and it made me so happy for him.

Then, I heard Marilyn Manson’s ‘Beautiful People’ come over the speakers and I knew he was about to enter the ring. I took a swig of my “organic lemonade” and prepared for the worst. That’s not what happened though. H kicked some serious ass and just wailed on the guy. At one point he ran away from him. I guess I always knew my husband was a bruiser but I had never seen him like that. All of a sudden though it was as someone just sucked everything out of him and he faltered. He threw a hard left at the same time as his opponent and it got H right in the shoulder. He couldn’t even lift his arm up or protect himself. The fight was over in round two. The bacon won by default.

A nurse backstage said H might have torn his rotator cuff and he was quickly iced, wrapped and given pain meds. We hung out and watched the rest of the fight with our friends and family and then went out to celebrate H despite him not getting a Rockem Sockem robot looking type trophy. The man’s in pain, he’s getting it checked out today. I’m proud of him though. And you know what? I hope he gets to do it again. It was kind of hot.

I’m giving away Lashfood mascara and Votre Vu shampoo this week at MPR. Enter to win! It ends Friday!!


  1. says

    The verdict is this: No torn rotator cuff. Physical Therapy 3x a week for 3 weeks starting today.He's been icing his shoulder ever since.

  2. says

    Glad to hear that it wasn't torn. Looked bad that night. He really was kicking some butt that night! I was screaming my head off for him.