Cats are the New Elves

Cross-posted and archived from DC Metro Moms.  Original post date December 5, 2007.

Despite the blustery winds and newly cold weather we decided last night would be the night to get our Christmas tree. Weez wicked smaht in our house I tell ya! Wicked smaht. We bundled ourselves all up to fight the cold and our daughter suffered her first bout of starfish syndrome. You know the starfish syndrome. It’s when you get all bundled up as a kid and you suddenly find your arms and legs stiffly sticking out, your head in it’s hat is the point of the star and you are in effect a starfish, unable to move your limbs. Her little eyes looked out at us as we laughed ourselves silly at her plight.

When we got to the nursery where we purchase our tree each year I saw something dart across my path but paid it no mind. It was windy after all, it was probably just some trash blowing around the parking lot. A few minutes later I found my daughter bending down to look under a table of plants and meowing. Hm… She only does that when she sees a cat. I didn’t see a cat though just some freezing in the breeze pansies. We pressed onward deeper into the tree lot looking for that perfect Frasier Fir. Out of nowhere a large (OK downright tubby) tabby cat came out from under a tree. Suddenly, I became aware of the fact that throughout the tree lot there were many little eyes looking out from under trees. Cats. They surrounded us. What was going on here?

Each time I looked around a corner to view another 6-7 ft Christmas tree I saw another cat. It was downright eerie. Where were all these cats coming from? Is this nursery secretly run by cats? Were the workers actually cat people in disguise? If I pick the wrong tree will the cats come out and get me? Will I ever be seen or heard from again? Quick! Get the kid and run to the car! All these crazy thoughts began to run through my mind as I encountered orange cats, tigers, fluffy angoras and a few more rather mangy ones.

Then, my husband proclaimed he had found our tree. Did a cat lead him to it, I asked. Maybe that is the point? The cats are your guide in the tree lot. What an interesting concept. He told me to go pick out our free poinsettia in the greenhouse and we would be done. I scooped up our starfish-child and headed for warmer climes. As we entered the greenhouse I noticed Santa’s sleigh in the corner. The big guy wasn’t there though. When I approached the sleigh I realized we were not alone. Inside the sleigh was a rather large orange cat taking a nap. I got the distinct feeling we were interrupting something here. I guess when the big guy is off-duty the cats keep his seat warm and guard the sleigh? I quickly picked out a plant and made my way to the register. That’s when it hit me. Cats are the new elves.


Erin said…

Love this story, and the picture is hilarious. Great blog.