She’s a Rock Star

I’m just going to say this and I don’t care what anyone thinks- those women you see- those average, every day, non-celebrity women who have more than one kid they have tote around and are still in great shape. Those women are freakin’ rock stars.

Getting to the gym with one kid in a baby carrier and the other still not fully mobile is rough.  In fact, it is all sorts of demotivation in one giant diaper bag, sippy cup involving mountain.  Staying motivated to work out after the kids are up and in my face is hard too, but Shredding or doing Pilate’s from home can be easier than treking to the gym.  Unless you face what I did today. 

One Comedian sitting on my abs during sit-ups. 

One Comedian hugging my legs as I tried to do jumping jacks.

One heavy toddler putting pots and pans in my face as I did push-ups

One heavy toddler pushing her baby sister in a swing so hard it looked like a new ride at Busch Gardens. 

I swear, all I needed was twenty minutes of sweating and I would be done.  I did it.  I’m glad I did but it is such a challenge.  Next time you see a woman who is in good shape and a breeder tell her “Good Job! You kick ass woman! You are rock star!”  She probably needs it to keep doing butt kicks while a toddler and baby try to simultaneously untie her shoes.

*Disclaimer- I am in no way calling myself a rock star.  I simply want it put out there that people should realize how hard it is to stay in shape after having kids.  It’s not all 6 weeks and breastfeeding and poof! flat belly, toned ass.  Unless of course you have wads of cash money and help acheiving that goal, which I don’t.


  1. says

    It is SO HARD. After one too many days like you described I decided to just wait until the kids are in bed (I used to use nap time, but THEY DON'T NAP ANYMORE!!!). But, by the time the day is done and the kids are in bed I am SO not in the mood to work out.

  2. says

    I admire those women too. We live on the side of a huge hill, so pushing the jogging stroller up and down has been great for my legs. But I'd love to get out and run it on my own some day. And I need to do something for my abs. Muffin doesn't give me 20 minutes for Shredding on a regular basis.