A Tiny Dictator Turns Six

Six, as a child, seems like such a big deal. You think you are so grown-up and out in the world.  Move over baby-ish five!  Enter SIX!  Land of lost teeth, riding the bus, reading your own books, learning to tell time and wishing more than ever for a room of your own. At least in TD’s case.





On the day she was born it was a gray outside and in the low 30’s.  It was February after all.  I watched her stretch as she slept in her hospital crib and I thought, “So that’s the move you were doing on the inside so much.”  I could hardly believe someone was going to let me walk out the door with such a tiny little person. That first week it took both H and I to give her that first bath.

Today, TD is six.  It is a gray day and in the 70’s.  This might be the new February.  She still sleeps in that same position and stretches the same way in her sleep.  Each night, for the last six years, I have gone into her room at night to watch her make those moves. I still get sentimental and sappy over those stretches and I probably will at 16 and 26.  It is hard to believe that she can already get her own breakfast and get dressed for school without my help.

I asked TD what being six meant to her.  She said, “Being a good listener and more money.  It means spending time with friends, being more grown-up and having lots of fun and more sweets.”  I feel like we are entering a truly golden point in her childhood.

Happy Birthday TD!  We can’t wait to embark on another year of childhood with you!




  1. Victoria says

    Thanks! I can’t believe it! One minute she’s a toddler that likes to dip french fries in milk and the next she’s asking for money.