She’s Got that Look in Her Eyes

Ever since I had The Fifth Element my allergies have exacted their revenge in my eyes.  I roll out of bed any time of the year to eyes that look like this-

A slight redness that stays all day, usually gets worse and makes people think my kids never sleep or I like smoking doobies all day.  Playdates don’t come easy with eyes like these.

Then there are days or weeks where I look more like this-



You try rolling up to preschool pick up looking like this. Better yet checking into a hotel at midnight, dressed all in black (makes for easy traveling, I swear!), with eyes like those.  I think the front desk clerk feared for her jugular when I asked for a second room key.   At least I don’t glimmer in the sun (makes me throw up in my mouth, just a little bit).




  1. Ann says

    Hilarious. If I were you, I’d run with the whole red eye thing and make up stories when asked about…like the doobies. 🙂

    • Victoria says

      Some days I just say to people, “I know. I shouldn’t be out in the sunlight but sometimes you just have to chance it!” Ha.

    • Victoria says

      Really? I haven’t met anyone else with this issue? If it rains or snows even in winter they now turn blood red. It’s crazy! Does that also happen to you?

      • cdr says

        Since they are almost always so red it’s hard to determine what effect the weather has on them. I have noticed that first thing in the morning they are the scariest. I don’t know what to do about it other than use obscene amounts of eyedrops. But the drops only help for 5 or 10 minutes max. I hate it. It ages me.