The Zooma 10k is Upon Us


There are only four more days until the Zooma 10k Race* in Annapolis.   I’m not scared!


I’ve only run a weak 3 miles since the half-marathon last weekend, so um.. I’ll be fine.


Oy.  I’m getting freaked out. I have the best of intentions on running another 3 or 4 treadmill miles (I feel like a freakin’ slave to that thing) tomorrow.

It is just that after the half, I’m feeling a bit done with running. My right foot was bothering me all last week and I opted to do one small run and yoga and Pilates instead.  I needed some time away and now I’m panicking that my desired run time of under an hour for this 10k will not be accomplished.  In the past I seem to have a really slow run time if I take a week-long break. Then my second run is awful.  I’m like a huffing and puffing water buffalo out there just stumbling along the roads.  The third run is usually golden. Oh, magical runners high….

The schedule this week is tight.  Getting two more runs with decent mileage in are not in the cards.

I need to go back and read Jodifur’s post on ‘Still Running’ for motivation and actually get my ass out on the road.  So for now I’m going to wait on the new shoes, I’ve picked my race day ensemble and I’m going to focus on the scenery and experience of spending a Saturday morning running outdoors in a new city instead of the pressure of making a good time. I’ll leave that to my friend who is running the half-marathon that morning. Heh.


*I am a ZOOMA Connector for the 2012 Annapolis event.  I am not being compensated for this post but am being provided with a comped race registration and a VIP SWAG bag.  All opinions are my own.


  1. says

    You don’t want to know how long it has been since I have actually run. Trust me. This is going to be a disaster.