Random Fridays

It’s Friday afternoon.  I’m tired but excited to run the Zooma Annapolis 10k tomorrow.

This helped motivate me immensely.

The authors of ‘Train Like a Mother’ Sarah and Dimity 

I attended a ‘Train like a Mother’ book event last night with some friends and it wasn’t just the free friction-free socks that got me excited to run and race again this weekend.  Maybe a PR will occur?

I decided to skip the gym this morning and spend the day home with the two little ones letting them lead the day.  After an hour of pool time with assorted Polly Pockets and Barbies in the bathroom sink I suggested heading outside for some sidewalk chalk.  No go.  Unless…

Ba-dum, Ba-dum, Ba-dum… 

I drew a sidewalk chalk shark with blood in its teeth.  There is no doubt that those kids are mine.  The walkway is now littered with sidewalk sharks or should I be so bold as to call them ‘land sharks’?

This?  Sort of scares the crap out of me. Sweet baby Jesus that is weird!

Also you probably shouldn’t put dry ice down your kitchen sink drain like I did this morning.

This went on for about 10 minutes and totally freaked me out.  When it was over I wanted more.


  1. says

    So, so great to see you on Thursday and I hope Zooma was fantastic. My Saturday was a total clusterf*ck of power outages and no alarm going off and I totally missed it! Please, don’t ask.