What I Wore Wednesday

How am I already thinking about packing for Thanksgiving?  Oh right! It is next week!  So yes, I’m putting together outfits that pack well, coordinate and don’t take up too much space and trying not to include 18 pairs of shoes and bracelets.  Did I mention there are three little cherubs to pack for as well.

Find out What I Wore Wednesday now-

Dress – Mossimo (old)

Tights – Hue

Belt – Target

Boots- L.L. Bean (2012)

Necklace- Old Navy



She’s two and picks out something every day to wear.  The creations are always interesting to say the least.  Lately, it involves a bathing suit.  Yesterday, it was hot pink from head to toe.  She might just become a regular on wiww.

Shirt- Circo

Suit- One Step Ahead

Flip Flop (L)- Island Club

Shoe- Genuine Kids 

Get more WIWW over at The Pleated Poppy.