What I Wore Wednesday

This week was full of cold weather, freezing rain, snow, school cancellations and not a whole lot of fashion. More like rain or snow boots and thick sweaters like these-
















Old L.L. Bean oatmeal wool sweater. It was my grandfather’s and one day my grandmother shrank it in the wash by accident. She gave it to me and I wore it all through college. Now on really cold winter days I pull it out and love it.

A Better Day















Shirt by L.L. Bean ($34.95) in Navy/Cream
Apt. 9 Jeans from Kohl’s ($22)
Thrifted Kenneth Cole flats

Visit more What I Wore Wednesday at The Pleated Poppy




  1. says

    I love the navy stripes / mustard pant combo! And cute shoes… I love a good thrift store bargain! That sweater looks so cozy, and extra sentimental. I’ve been living in sweaters and rain boots lately. Hope it warms up soon!