Falling Into Good Things

I’m sorry.  I couldn’t resist that horribly cheesy title.  I’m reveling in the fall weather from my sick bed.  Or at least what looks like gorgeous fall weather from the open windows near my sick bed.  I have pneumonia.  It’s tiring.  I’m tired of being sick.

I’m focusing on the fun, good things going on later this month instead of the fact that I’m laying here in comfy leggings and t-shirts, napping more than my 12 year-old dog.

1.  Leather Leggings.











I’m at a point in my life where I’m actually comfortable with my body. I like it. It is stronger than it has ever been and I feel better than I have in years. So I bought these faux leather leggings from Forever21. That site is my crack. Any fashion wish can be found there lately. I love and hate it so much! And these leggings are wait-for-it… Divine. Clearly, I have been streaming too much HIMYM from my bed.  These babies are $2o well spent!  I cannot wait to wear them this fall and winter.

2.  2941

2941 Bar 1

H & I are dining here for a day date this month.  The Falls Church restaurant is like event dining.  The Fall Harvest Festival on September 29 has a menu that is a delicious combination of German and French food, wines and beers that already has my mouth watering.  Think Fall Ratatouille, Beesting Cake, Curried Mussels, Cornbread, Pumpkin gateau eau de crepes and so much more.  I can’t wait to experience it all with H.  Sounds like a bit of autumnal heaven to me.

3. BeFiT GO | HIIT Fit 40 Minute Workout

I don’t hide the fact that I am obsessed with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts.  I love that they are ridiculously efficient, great when you don’t have a lot of time, burn fat fast and increase your metabolism.  These workouts are my lifeline when I’m stressed, need to get a fast workout in and want to fire up while hitting that inner re-set button.  They are why I feel confident enough to rock those leather leggings too.  That fact that these are on YouTube and accessible anytime, anywhere just makes them that much more awesome.

I’ll be testing this one out as soon as I am up and about again.


What are you excited for this month or this fall season?  Let’s hear it!



    • Victoria says

      I know! They freaked me out a bit after I bought them. I didn’t try them on for a few days but then I did and LOVED them!

  1. Ashley A. says

    I am looking forward to the leaves changing, the windy days, the smell of fall, sweatshirts, apple cider and caramel apples.