The Liebster Award

I was nominated for a Liebster award by Sandie at Fashonboucou, which totally made my week! Sandie has a fantastic blog that gives me ideas and inspiration for looks on a weekly basis. What is a Liebster?  The Liebster Award is a way to encourage readership and followers for new or small bloggers. It gets passed around and comes with a set of guidelines.  I’m finally moving along with this honor and bestowing it on others.

Here are the rules:
1.Make a post about the Liebster Award and thank the blogger that nominated you.
2.State 11 interesting facts about yourself.
3.Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
4.Nominate 11 new bloggers with 500 or less followers.
5.Write 11 new questions for your nominees.

11 Random Facts


1. I bake at least once a week.
2. I watch JAWS every May to get ready for the summer season, just like the citizens of Amity.
3. I was an American History major in college.  I read Gone with the Wind every April the month the Civil War began.  I named two of my kids after historical figures and one after the butler in Batman*. That’s three facts in one.
4. I want the Rainbow Connection played at my funeral.
5. I hate buying shoes.
6. I am a pop culture nerd that has to resist waiting at her mailbox each Friday for her Entertainment Weekly.
7. I get inspired by looking at old fashion photos from the 20’s, Old Hollywood, 1950s-60s Europe, and New York in the 1970s.
8. I don’t have a favorite color.  I gravitate towards aqua, navy and yellow a lot.
9. I wanted to be Darth Vader when I was little and was convinced that if I wore vampire teeth at night I would turn into a vampire.
10. I loathe being late. It makes me viciously angry.  Having three kids has made me late more often than I ever thought possible.
11.  I believe in writing thank you notes and letting people know you are thinking of them via text, FB messages, emails and cards.

Questions to be Answered:

1. Why did you begin blogging? This blog was started in 2005 when I was working in a male-dominated office and pregnant for the first time.  My pregnancy created so many odd circumstances, outbursts and “pearls of wisdom” that I just had to write them down.
2. Sneakers, flats or heels?  I love heels but daily I wear flats because that’s my life as a work at home writer with three kids.
3. If money wasn’t an issue, what would most of your money be spent on? First real estate because we are growing out of our house. Then I would start a few organizations and foundations and scholarships.  They would focus on money for female history majors especially at my alma mater.  I would create an organization and foundations that would help teens with domestic violence awareness and aid.
4. Wedding talk: Would you prefer a small and intimate wedding, or a huge production? I got married in Vegas with a regular wedding. I would probably go the traditional route again but on the ocean in my home state.  Some ridiculous production at sunset that is all very cliché.
5. Pillow talk: Do you tell your man your best friend’s secrets?  No.  H and I do talk a lot before bed most nights but not about my best friend’s secrets.
6. What’s your favorite thing to cook? I love baking.  Creating a cake or cookies or even muffins from scratch for my family or a friend makes me feel satisfied and content.
7. If you could only talk about one topic for the rest of your life what would it be?  So hard to answer.  I could talk clothes all day but also wrapped in history.  I could discuss the impact and history of fashion, especially American fashion forever.
8. Describe yourself in one word. Loyal.
9. What’s your favorite shade of lipstick? If you don’t wear it, what’s the reason behind that? I actually did have that grandmother who applied lipstick before leaving the house.  She told me to do the same. I still do to this day.  If I happen to leave without it, I feel off.  I love red but a good nude can be your best friend.
10. Who is your best friend? Erika. We have known each other since we were three and made a wish in a wishing well to be friends forever.  She watches Jaws in May too.
11. Would you shave your head on a dare? No! I have a ridiculously small head and that would just look awful.


1.Landing on Love

2.Something Good

3.Casually Styled

4. I do deClaire

5. Chels & the City

6. Bit Square

7. Red Reticule

8. Everyday Fancy

9. Little Miss Fashion Queen

10. Alyssa Barnett Beauty

11. Simply Whit in a Sequined Life

Questions for the Nominees:

1.  What’s your favorite type of accessory or clothing to buy?

2.  What is your favorite thing about blogging?

3.  Is there a piece of art that continuously inspires you?

4.  What is your favorite book?

5.  What song puts you in a good mood and makes you want to get up and dance?

6.  What is one thing you can’t live without?

7.  What is your favorite movie?

8.  If money wasn’t an object what is the first thing you would buy?

9.  If money wasn’t an object what is the first thing you would do?

10.  Are you a heels, flats or sneakers girl?

11.  What social media app can you not live without?


Thanks again to Sandie for the nomination!!!


*This is an inside joke. Her name is derived from the name Alfred. 


