5 Great Ways to Ensure Your Family’s Wellbeing

We’re all doing our part to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our country and globally. It includes staying at home and avoiding large gatherings as much as possible. At first, staying at home felt like a mini-vacation where we could fill our hours with movie marathons, game nights, and quality time together. But, children and adults are all looking forward to returning to normalcy with playdates, outings, and actual vacations. COVID-19 is worrying and can affect your family’s mental health. Here are five great ways to keep your family mentally healthy at home and during this year.


1. Investing in Self-Care Tools Like a Spa

It’s easy to get stressed during these pandemic times. Fortunately, there’s a better way to combat anxiety and stress amongst your family members at home. Get certified for medical marijuana in Florida today with the compassionate team of doctors at DocMJ.

Most Americans are aware that baths have proven to improve mental health. Recent surveys indicate that only approximately 17.12% of 18 to 29-year-olds own either pools, spas, or hot tubs. So, if you’re suffering from anxiety, stress, and depression, you should consider investing in self-care tools like a spa/hot tub/pool.

It’s wise to take precautions when investing in such an expensive tool. In 2020, 87% of consumers checked online reviews for local businesses — an increment of 81% since 2019. Investing in a better self-care tool helps improve your family’s wellbeing in such a trying moment, so make sure you choose the right one.


2. Get a Restful Night’s Sleep

A regular sleep routine creates a sense of normalcy and keeps stress at bay. Both the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend that students should get adequate sleep and prepare to learn at school by waking up no earlier than 8:30AM. Your family becomes depressed, irritable, unfocused, and inattentive without adequate sleep. You should sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours. For your teens, 9 to 10 hours of sleep is better. Here are a few things you can do to help you relax and have a good night’s sleep:

    • Relaxing music
    • A cool, dark room
    • A back, foot, or hand-rub
    • A hot shower before sleep
    • Using the bed just for sleep (not TV, homework, or phone calls)

3. Snack Wisely

Your brain is healthier when it’s hydrated. Food and water are excellent fuels for our brain and body too! Some foods are better for us than others. That’s why you should limit your child’s sugar intake. Also, be aware that alcohol causes much havoc on your brain. In many ways, we’re what we eat. So, encourage your family to eat nutritious food — ensure veggies and fruits makes their way on your table during each meal. When such nutrients are lacking, our brain suffers. When the brain suffers, so does our mental well-being.


4. Talk! Talk to Loved Ones, Talk to the Kids, Talk to Yourself

It’s normal to experience grief, anger, grief, or any variety of emotions. So, encourage your kids to share their feeling and help them acknowledge that anything they’re feeling is valid and normal. If you need to restrict your movement, try to stay connected to your friends in other ways like:

    • Social media
    • Video calls
    • Phone calls
    • E-mail
    • Text messages

Remember that sharing things with your friends helps relieve worry and anxiety. Don’t force yourself to be strong or trying to cope with things by yourself. Talking to a psychotherapy professional in an individual or group therapy setting can also help you deal with your emotions more appropriately.


5. Limit Screen Time as Much as Possible

It’s important to be aware of what’s happening globally. But too much time on the screen increases anxiety and stress, thus products like CBD Oil UK can come in handy. Your kids might need technology more than usual for distance learning, but incorporating other activities in small bits of time in between screen time helps to break it up.


Discovering how to improve mental health should be a family affair. Enjoy your family’s daily routine during this pandemic and winter season. Get ample sleep, invest in self-care tools like a spa, encourage your kids to share their thoughts, limit your screen time, and snack wisely to nourish your brain and body. Live well!