The Global Surge: Exploring the Rise of Cosmetic Surgeries

In recent years, there has been a notable surge in the popularity of cosmetic surgeries worldwide. From subtle enhancements to transformative procedures such as breast lift or ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation in El Segundo, CA, individuals are increasingly turning to surgical interventions to achieve their desired aesthetic goals. Let's delve into the global landscape of cosmetic surgeries and explore the statistics that underscore this evolving trend. The Global Phenomenon Cosmetic surgery has transcended cultural and geographical boundaries, becoming a global phenomenon. The desire to enhance physical appearance and achieve a more youthful look seems to be a universal aspiration, fueling the proliferation of cosmetic procedures across continents. Statistics Speak Volumes According to … [Read more...]

Tips for Eco-Friendly Home Improvements

Improving, updating, and or renovating your home is always an exciting idea, but not everyone considers how home improvements will affect the environment. Home improvements are not inherently bad for the climate, but there are choices you can make that will lower your household's carbon footprint. You can both make your renovation process eco-friendly and use renovations to make your house more eco-friendly in the future. Starting home improvements can be a slippery slope as you see more and more things to update, but the foundation of eco-friendly living is not using things unnecessarily. While excessive upgrades are both expensive and not the greenest idea, that doesn't mean you are limited in ways to make your home better. Home renovations are not small tasks and can take months … [Read more...]

Favorite Jewelry for Spring Including Diamond Rings

Disclaimer: Please know this partnership is between the Responsival agency and TMC. Affiliate links are used and compensation is received through those links.  Opinions are 100% my own.   @_entreprenerd via The last few days have been really beautiful here in Virginia.  The snow has melted, the sun has come out, and the temperatures are rising.  When I step outside there is a feeling of freshness and dare I say it?  There is a feeling of hope and that good things are just around the corner. Daisy ring for spring. I feel like getting outside more and getting dressed again.   In the last few weeks, I have stepped away from leggings, slippers, and oversized tops.  I am wearing real pants again, putting on lipstick before I start my workday, and adding accessories … [Read more...]

Green Driving & Saving Money

Photo courtesy of @volkancakmaz It's been a year since I went to Fully Charged in Austin, TX.  In that time I've thought a lot about reducing my carbon footprint, saving money, and green driving.  The pandemic has certainly helped me to drive less too.  The folks at Zutobi helped out with these tips. They even included ways to help save and manage money. However, if you really want to manage your money in an efficient way you shouldn't rely on tips from the internet, consider hiring an accounting expert for professional help. What Is Green Driving? Green Driving, also known as Energy-efficient driving, Eco Driving, and Smart Driving is a combination of efficient driving techniques that you can use to reduce your carbon footprint. Green driving practices saves you money … [Read more...]

Smart Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out

mother daughter stretching

Most people know they should work out but lack the motivation to actually work out. We all know we should exercise regularly, eat healthily, get enough sleep, and do many other healthy living tasks, but there is a big difference between knowing what to do and doing it. At the start of every new year, many people force themselves to start working out and stick with the plan for a few weeks before motivation lapses again. So long as the desire to get in shape is there, motivation can be improved, and there are plenty of new ways to stimulate your interest in working out again. A combination of psychological tricks and modern technology can bring back your motivation to work out, so you no longer dread that time of day. It is the start of a new year, so use these tips and tricks to get back … [Read more...]

Early last year when things began to open back up in our part of the world my husband and I decided that we had put off looking at our Life Insurance, creating a will, and updating estate planning that we had started but never finalized.  It was worse than we thought.  We have three kids, two of whom are teenagers, and the last time we thought about getting term life insurance quotes, we had one baby.  Yikes! Planning 101 Estate planning. Creating a Power of Attorney. Making Wills for you and your spouse. How about Life Insurance for parents or Term Life Insurance? What is Term Life Insurance anyway? Does the idea of a Medical Directive make you squirm? I know it does for a lot of people, including myself.  Perhaps it puts you to sleep or fills you with anxiety. The unknown can be scary … [Read more...]

A Holiday Thank You to Delivery Drivers

We get A LOT of packages.  Even in pre-Covid times, I was a bit of a package junkie.  I've been a member and avid user of Amazon since 1998.  I have no shame in this game. @purzlbaum Exhibit A: Last August we went on vacation for a week and a neighbor watched our dogs for us.  When we returned home seven days later the entire entryway was full of boxes and plastic sealed bags full of items ordered in the last few weeks.  However, many of them were things we had been waiting on for months due to pandemic problems with shipping and supply.  It was embarrassing, to say the least.  We looked like addicts. Honestly, it is not that bad on the regular. Exhibit B: is this holiday season.  I'm immunocompromised due to Chronic Lyme and I already loathe leaving my house … [Read more...]

Pre-Holiday Health & Beauty Tips

The holidays may look different than we are used to this year, but that does not mean that the celebrations must stop. The holidays remain a joyful and festive time of year even if we can’t gather how we usually would. You will want to look and feel your best throughout the holidays so you can enjoy the time you can spend with your loved ones. Preparing for the holidays involves deep cleaning the house with the help of experts like Arbor Trailing Cleaning. This may also include carpet cleaning with some help of carpet cleaning salem and setting up a tree, as you can prepare yourself for the holidays. Go into the holiday season and celebrations with your best foot forward and your body as healthy as it can be to ring in the new year. Do Not Skip Meals Holiday meals tend to be decadent and … [Read more...]

My Favorite Finds this Holiday Season

shacket shopbop

unsplash by @kellysikkema The 2020 year has been nothing but one surprise after another. It will go on record as truly historical.  I think we can all agree on that one.  The more things change the more things stay the same though and this blog is no different.  While there may be more pandemic posts than I would like and fewer bits of fun I couldn't resist putting together some of my favorite items to kick off the holiday season. The Shacket (I know! It's not a great name but it is a totally great item for your wardrobe!) What is it?  It's a shirt and a jacket. Get it?  A Shacket! Perfect for this time of year.  I love the versatility and pure comfort of the Shacket.  Shopbop has some fun ones too.  Take advantage of the sale going on right now.  I think the pink plaid by Stand … [Read more...]

Ways to Celebrate and Host Thanksgiving During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic may well be around, but if you have the last Thursday of November in your mind, it certainly shows that there is still something to be thankful for even in these challenging days. And there should be…   Just because the planning and setup of Thanksgiving have to be a little different this year, it doesn’t mean you have to miss out on celebrating with your family and friends while sharing stories and memories and enjoying a richly-stuffed turkey dinner with green beans casserole and pumpkin pie. No, it doesn’t mean that at all. How about organizing a very special Thanksgiving celebration this year out of the four walls, or at least out of the box? Basics to consider for virtual celebration You might opt for celebrating on a virtual platform but in a … [Read more...]