For Mom, for you, for everyone!

I'm teaming up with SanDisk this Mother's Day to offer you one great prize- The Cruzer Gator. This is one sweet flash drive too. The Cruzer Gator is stylish with its mock alligator design and cuts a unique profile in a purse, briefcase or wherever you want to store it. It looks good just sitting on your desk too. It is definitely not your standard corporate flash drive. It's 8GB! So you can upload and store not just documents but a whole slew of photos to share with friends and family for a long time.So what's the catch?It's simple really. Just send in your favorite photo of you and your mother (or mother figure) from any time, it doesn't have to be from a Mother's Day past. It can be sweet, touching, wacky or fun. Let us know why you love it too in just a few words. Don't have a photo of … [Read more...]

Anything You Can Do…

I can do better! Isn't that how the song goes? I would like to say that I excel at some manly type things but at the moment my brain is drawing a blank. Plus, things in our house are pretty equal. We both clean just fine even if it is in our own little idiosyncratic ways that drive the other one nuts. We both claim to drive better than the other. I at least have the driving record to prove it.We can each make a mean dinner, breakfast or lunch.Kid duties? We're even there too. When we do home renovation projects we work together. Granted I shirk the whole power tool thing but it's just not my thing. I am pretty girly, I admit. I like to pick out the aesthetic items and I don't mind painting or digging in the dirt. I leave the caulking to H. I just don't have the patience. Maybe H should … [Read more...]

The G-Force Effect

I've created a new word. The G-Force Effect. After four days with her grandparents T.D. is truly living up to her name. That's right. The 'G' stands for grandparent.Why does Momma want me to get dressed in under fifteen minutes when Mem allows me to take forty? Why can't we try every barrette and pair of socks or shoes or try on three pairs of pants and six shirts? Or brush our hair and teeth slower than molasses in January? The G-Force Effect is always accompanied by a case of the why's and a serious bout of crying. Why can't we read eight books before nap time and twelve at bedtime? If I want to stay in the tub for over and hour and get to bed two hours late what is the problem with that Momma?Yes, the G-Force Effect is in full effect in my house. I realized it first thing yesterday … [Read more...]

Now you know my secrets

So you are getting a meme. Feel free to laugh and mock at my answers all you want. Hey it was either this or I was going to have to tell you all about H's dead toenail. The one that he kept scratching last night as I tried to watch Medium. Scritch, Scritch, Scritch... it was too awful.1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? No, just victory. It was a victory in the family that I was a girl. 2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Tuesday night, sadly watching Scott Baio is 46 & pregnant- oh the shame.3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? For reals? I never thought about it. I'm still not thinking about it.4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? This is a question? Turkey but none of that smoked stuff. Plech!5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? I have a daughter. She is a tiny dictator.6. IF YOU WERE … [Read more...]

Damn this Consistency Thing Called Parenting

I knew it would be hard. I knew there would be sleepless nights, bad diapers, crying jags and sickness. I knew that some days I would just want to throw in the towel. That I would flop down on the couch too exhausted to even watch 'The Riches'. But really? I just never knew parenting could be this hard. This exhausting. That the amount of consistency that is needed would be this constant.Call me a moron right now ladies and gentlemen, but damn toddlerhood is tiring. Parenting is exhausting. The energy factor alone can be daunting but when they get in that Rain Man mode of repeating things with the exact same pitch in each word each and EVERY time they say it (which would be 80 times in a 30-second span) no one told me that you would want to run screaming out the front door. No one told me … [Read more...]

Tarzhay Drapes = Freedom

T.D. has been at Nana's since Tuesday. It's always weird when she is gone. The days fly by. H & I don't know what to do with ourselves and the house feels too quiet. At the same time though I've had concentrated times to work and download useless songs on my Ipod (I went a little Depeche Mode crazy yesterday). We miss her but there is something to be said for all this-Wandering through Target with only my purse. I spent twenty minutes just looking at drapes. I wandered through every department actually looking at things and processing information. The light I want for our bathroom? I STILL remember the price and I didn't even have to write it down! What's more? I didn't buy a thing! I walked out of Tarzhay with nada. That is a feat or a miracle unto itself!Ulta. Found some fun things … [Read more...]

What am I Thinking? I’m thinking No. Not Yet.

I had a dream last night that I was in labor. Labor in some horribly old, mad-scientist looking type of a hospital. I was not supposed to be there. The walls were dripping wet with condensation and the floor was incredibly filthy. I was not going to have my baby there. I was also beyond huge. I could barely walk. When my water broke I looked at H all confused and said, "My leg is wet. Must be the dampness of this place." He looked at me like I was high on the smack. Then my legs gave out from under me. On the filthy, dirt-crusty floor I cried, "I cannot feel my legs! I am numb from the waist down and I haven't even had any drugs yet!" Anxiety? You could say that. I could blame it all on my brief glimpses of My Name is Earl last night or on one simple fact. I'm late. Like 10 days late. It's … [Read more...]

Need Something to Do?

Dear Readers,I love you. I love that you stick by me, comment daily, and come back for more. It makes me feel that maybe I'm not so crazy thinking I can do this whole blogging thing. I value your opinions a lot and love to get feedback from you. So why not fill out that fun and short (less than 10 questions!) survey over there under that cute Blogher ad. That's right. The one on the left. Just click it. Then drop me an email and let me know you've done so. One lucky reader will get a fun surprise package from me!Because so far what I've learned from readers is that you love giveaways! Which I have weekly over at my other site which has more than just kid DVDs by the way. What can you win? Well, just some of the following fun things:Full size Intelligence body lotionFull size Intelligence … [Read more...]

Blog Blast! My Ultimate Beauty Blunder

Green hair,Orange Hair,Gray Hair-It is all the same. Bad.It was late at night. I was alone. My roommates were all gone. My boyfriend was out of town. It was just me and a box of Feria, the newest at home hair coloring kit on the market. The platinum blonde color oh so tempting. I just had to try it. It called to me from the shelves of CVS and I snatched it up and brought it home. Like a junkie in its paper bag I scurried into the bathroom to begin taking my already blonde and ultra highlighted locks even more blonde.Around 11 p.m. I found myself coughing and running from the bathroom, the scent of bleach was so strong. There might have been some tingling. I can’t be sure. My brain has blocked out so much of the impending trauma. When I finally rinsed out the dye and put on the … [Read more...]

Giveaway Time!

Head on over to Mummy's Product Reviews for some great new items in the Fun Finds, new reviews (think organic t's and DVD's and more!) plus I'm giving away a DVD of Maggie and the Ferocious Beast just in time for Halloween! … [Read more...]