Oh My Rubbing Thighs!

Since we got back from our jaunt down by the river for Thanksgiving my once taut, now jiggly little body has been aching to go back to the gym. Great! Except Sunday I began to get sick. This cold is the slowest thing ever! Days go by with no change except that I wake up worse each day. Every morning I rise with the thought, "What fresh hell is this?" as blow my nose and blood spurts out. I'm sorry if you just puked up your toast. It's true. I'm tired and stuffy and full of snot. I want to work out but don't have the motivation or the energy. So I'm comprising a list of food I ate over the holiday in hopes that the length of it will be motivation enough.Rolls, rolls, everywhere and I ate them! Three helpings of cornbread dressing- none of them smallThree helpings of cranberry gooFour … [Read more...]

Workin’ It

Always a small girl I never had an issue with weight or wearing different size clothes. That all changed however when I got myself knocked up and gained 40 lbs. I swore even that would never happen. I would be that cute "I will gain 25 lbs ONLY" pregnant woman. Heh. Except I craved pork. I ate my way through my pregnancy while sitting behind a desk consuming all manner of bad office food in a way I had never done before. Fries with that?! Yes please! Two slices of cake? Why thank you!I lost 20 lbs the first week. Easy peasy I thought. My main goal was to not be wearing maternity pants when I got back to work. Been there, done that! Ok, so they were a size up from my old pre-baby size but they weren't maternity pants! I was depressed about this and my new poundage. I joined Weight Watchers. … [Read more...]

The Nine- An Update

Augh. So I was feeling pretty good. I had lost 4.5 lbs in just two weeks. I was working out and eating healthy. Lots o grilled veggies and Spirutein shakes. Then I had Girls Night and had too much wine. Wine with brownies. And Cheese Nips. Which I NEVER eat. Oh and some M&M's. Light and dark chocolate. Right, then there was that sugar cookie thrown in too. Next day hung over slightly with my knees bothering me again I skipped the gym. Did my weigh in this morning and somehow between yesterday and today I gained three pounds.To say I'm angry would be a mild way of putting it. Angry. Annoyed. Frustrated and discouraged. I was feeling so good. I don't like to be myself up about that after all I do have one free day. ONE. That is what happens? Yeesh. So it's back to all … [Read more...]

Here’s the Thing

It was a not so hot morning here in our household. Day two of 'the Nine' challenge is going fine. Swimmingly well. Easy peasey I thought as I went to the gym. I did my time on the elliptical and did some lower body toning and was ready to hit the door when I realized, "oh yeah... I need to pick up the business mail."I pull the P.O. box key out of my purse as I collected T.D. from the daycare. I set the key down on a kiddie table to pick her up and we leave. I trot on over to the mailbox place next door only to find I'm sans key. Yup. I left it in the daycare at the gym. I collect my mail anyway and head back over. Maybe a three minute interlude. I trudge back to the playroom, T.D. in arms. I tell the caretakers about the key. I look at the little table now populated with tiny tots … [Read more...]


Some people do thirty day challenges (what crap!), others don't even bother. Not being a competitive person myself (unless it involves something like a reading contest) I'm reluctant to even consider doing any sort of "challenge", but when H brought up the easy peasy '5 Day Workout' challenge (say it like the french!) I said yes.Rules: Individual must workout (break a sweat) for at least 30 minutes each day for five days (M-F). Loser does whatever the winner has chosen as a prize.Prizes: If I win, H has to paint my bathroom. The tile is in. It's oh so pretty, but it needs a new coat of paint which is languishing in my bathroom being used as a toilet paper roll holder. All hardware will go up then too. THEN I won't have to use the paint can to place my toilet paper on. What luxury.If H … [Read more...]

A Little Bit of Green

Green with Envy. I like to say that I work "really hard" on how I look. Except I don't. Oh, I may put in more than some people- I until recently kept my hair and highlights in check. I put on make up daily. Moisturize. I work out too. Except I work out sometimes sporadically or don't push myself hard enough and as I said before it's my own fault if I don't look the way I REALLY want to. I like to eat too much and I like to eat some pretty "bad for you" foods on a too frequent basis. I berate my thighs daily but so far that hasn't galvanized them to depuff and shed some poundage.Then today I found out that the oh so cute girl at my gym who I always see in practically every class has two kids. Yup. Two. She's a stick and oh by the way, she gained 60 lbs with each one. That last kiddie is all … [Read more...]

Bone Ass Tired

I am tired. Bone Tired. I can't understand it. T.D. actually slept through the night sans pacifier. We've gone two days now and counting and it's getting easier. I'll admit that today when she started a meltdown at the grocery store I almost dug out the emergency bink from my purse. I didn't though. I stayed the course. I'm the "decider" you know. Instead I tossed her a McCall's seasoning packet to gnaw on and it was all good. Really. I'm amazed myself. I digress though. Back to me being bone ass tired. Somehow between sleepy time last night and now I feel as if I got hit by a mack truck.I might be that hour and a half long Power Sculpt weight class I took yesterday. Oh yeah. That's right. It seemed only semi-difficult at the time. Ha. I'm not even that sore. I thought my body … [Read more...]