On Rush Limbaugh and FLOTUS

My undies are in a bunch this week on a few things and all of them round back to our dear FLOTUS, Michelle Obama.First up- her cause to eat right and get moving. The woman is trying to combat the epidemic of unhealthy eating and living that we as a country seem to think is our right.  Is nothing more American than eating a giant Big Mac with a boat load of fries or sipping on a Big Gulp?  To some people, it is their given right as an American to load up on the fat, sugar and sodium- health be damned.  It's a disease, an addiction for some and for others economical factors play a huge role in not being able to eat in a balanced, healthy manner.  Mrs. Obama's campaign is to educate and create a dialog as well as resources to get a balanced diet into all of us.  Our … [Read more...]

Overheards- The Presidential Edition

Scene:  We are in the car running errands.  TD is quietly singing and talking to herself.TD:  Ronald Reeeeaaaagan, Ronald Reeeeaaagan and Baraaack Ooobaaama are the two bestest Presidents and friends!  They love each oooother sooo much. They are Presidents right now!  Ronald Reeeaaagan....Her facts might not be right but does love them both.  She has no idea I found a copy of Newsweek with Obama on the cover hidden under her comforter.  She likes to keep it there while she sleeps.  A portrait of Reagan hangs on her closet door.  She's proof you can see both sides.  Heh. … [Read more...]