mm’shpphh Schleepy

Scene- Our house, birds just chirping early. I come downstairs for the nectar of the lost sleepers. H:"If someone is tired today, I don't want to hear about it."Me: Yes, Daaaad. (What I was thinking) What I really said: "I knooowww."Girls Night in our 'hood last night. We welcomed the new neighbor and all clamored for her villa in Italy that she rents. It will be interesting to see if anyone makes it there besides the one woman is is leaving. I'm sure she'll get there. Whether or not she rents that place remains to be seen. I drank too much. Not enough to get sufficiently silly or puke later on, but enough to have a nice dull ache behind my tired, puffy eyes. Pinto Grigio my downfall. Large bottles of Pinot Grigio are deadly.That being said "y'all I'm tyerd!" That was me … [Read more...]

Nankeen Style!

Mummy's Product Reviews has new stuff up! Check it out on Friday for Fun Finds Friday too! Beautiful bags and pillows here! Or click on the beautiful link in green to the right.As an aside thanks to all those of you who pointed out that what my Mom was saying was a compliment. I know. I just thought the whole delivery was funny. Almost a Whew! from my mother as in, "Thank God you are actually talented and not just sitting there at home fooling yourself. I'm relieved." Because until recently I never let anyone read anything I had done unless is was academic. … [Read more...]

Thoughtless Thursday

Also known as my lazy self doesn't feel like working. So enjoy the randomness of this post.Overheard: My house last night-Me: Why is the water running? H: Because I want it to get cold... just like your heart.**********************************************************************Check out the new button in the sidebar linking to my Product Site. New Products up now!! Exciting developments are in the works- workout/dance DVDS, fun bags (get your mind out of the gutter you sleaze!), and more!Listen up! I was on Blog Talk Radio- hear my voice and Kristen's now! .And now for a little funny...When this first aired I literally laughed for an hour straight. I was oh, about, 15? I continue to use the last line dialogue in many of life's situations. … [Read more...]


While I sit here reading, noshing and generally being slothful on my birthday weekend go hang a right and check out Mummy's Product Reviews. There's lots of new stuff to peruse! More next week too including an interview with Mallory Lewis of Lamb Chop fame.Also, my friend Charlotte has stated there is such a thing as MSB. Married Secret Behavior- what we all do and keep from our partners. Definitely. I too am guilty of MSB. Since H is a reader though I have my secrets to keep. … [Read more...]

Product of the Week!

Go check out 'Product of the Week' over here. If you would like me to review of product of yours email me and we'll work something out! I am always willing to try something new and give you an honest review! More PBN reviews coming soon too!Head on over to Queen of Spain's blog for some good commentary on alcoholic pj's for tweens. Aye. … [Read more...]