I Love the Smell of Torture in the Morning

Running. Three miles. A 5k's worth. Five miles. Each week it increases. I've yet to find a route I like. The hills around here- they break me. You would think I would be a finely tuned running machine by now but I'm more like a cranky, old dog who has lost her bite. Cross-training three times a week. It's back to Body Pump at the gym since Shredding has effed up my knees something fierce. Oh wait, that's right. I can't seem to drag my ass to an actual Body Pump class to save my life. I think of those disc weights and triceps curls and I turn into a whiny toddler who is two hours past her nap and in a downward spiral of a lost sugar high. Just to punish myself more I have decided to add in a Detox. No sugar, no carbs, no dairy, very little if any meat. I'm blaming it on the few … [Read more...]

My First 10k- About 65% Motivated

After this past June's 5k success and last month's month of 5 day a week workouts I have decided to challenge myself once again. Really, I just want to do this in March and I need to have a qualifying 10k under my belt. So here I go!I'm going the Jeff Galloway route with training. I was about to go into my first week of training this past week when I realized that I instead of the 13 weeks of training I had scheduled I only have eight. Yikes! I cut off a few weeks and ran a 5k yesterday for the first time since June. This whole time I've been lacking my usual enthusiasm for fitness goals. However, when I finished my run yesterday I realized that I shaved six minutes off my time. It completely re-energized me and instead of shirking my workout duties this week I find I'm rearing … [Read more...]

Mummy Needs A Do Over

Oh my. Let's just put it all out there for a minute, shall we? Since Blogher I have been the most ridiculous glutton. I can't pass up a cookie, cupcake, candy, plate of fries or Eggs Benedict even if it doesn't have my name on it. I'll feel guilty for eating badly a few days in a row. My body screams for veggies and I ply it with carbs and then I resolve to be better. Suddenly I'm chowing on chicken strips and more french fries. Egads! It's like the last supper at every. freakin'. meal.No more.I simply have to cut back. I did not Shred and train for that 5k to just end up back where I was before and in less than two months time. That's quite simply insane, disheartening, and sad. I have to be better so that my poor liver, thighs and butt can get back into shape.I am not saying I'm going to … [Read more...]

I’m Killing Me

I've been thinking about death a lot lately. Who can blame me what with the death of Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, Billy Mays and now Karl Malden. Last night I dreamt that Christina Aguilera delivered my baby in between concert sets while on tour in Japan. Don't dreams of birth actually mean death? It probably also doesn't help that I've been contributing to my own death this week as well. I don't know how it happen but somehow I have a pack of cigarettes in my house and they are rapidly depleting. Can I blame the economy? How about the lack of paid work I have right now? Yeah, that's it. Take my meager earnings and blow it on kill sticks. That's wicked smot. It doesn't help that I have a partner in crime living right in my house either. Just when I think of throwing the … [Read more...]

I’ve Got Sweaty Wrists

I wouldn't call it sweating so much as it's dripping that I'm doing right now. I got the opportunity to go on a morning run today versus my normal evening jaunt. There is something so wonderful about starting the day literally hitting the pavement. Humidity has not yet set in and there is still a haze in the air. As I run on the trails and various sidewalks in my 'hood I can smell this sweet summery scent that just lifts my spirits and makes me inhale deeply. It is entirely uplifting.That is until I decided to veer off my intended track and bypass a gaggle of women who were out for a morning stroll. And when I say stroll I use that term quite lightly. It was more like a creep. Suddenly I found myself doing my final minutes up the biggest hill in my neighborhood. I had The White … [Read more...]

The Hills They Break Me

Holy Mountain of Death... it must be ninety-bazillion degrees outside and my legs feel like they are in cement casings. Where is my runners high? Where in all that is holy and stamped with a Nike swoosh is my moment of running zen?! I am deep in the trenches of one month of running. The times are getting longer and my body is telling me to quit. The hills in my 'hood are r-e-lent-less. I'm not playing around here and my lower body knows it. My heart having been gargled by Jillian for weeks beforehand is quite up to the task. My feet are sufficiently callused from years of doing the Avon Walk. It's my mind and my legs that are weak. They see another hill coming and just want to cave. The brain says, "Hey legs...psstt...legs...up here. Listen, you don't have to take this punishment … [Read more...]