Search Results for: ppd

Where’s Mummy

Top o' the Mornin' to you!  It's Monday, the start of a new week and besides my shrink's office (got to keep up the preventative PPD script!) this is where I am at this week.TODAY!!!! I am honored to be co-hosting a new moms baby shower at  Join me for advice and information from Avent too! Noon EST or 9 a.m. for all you PST'ers.At MPR there are reviews galore- REphase Bio-Scrub, The Tassimo T20 Home Brewing System and Natural Vines Licorice.honestbaby has me talking about my need for an ugly playdate.Have a good one! … [Read more...]

Will Post-Partum Depression Strike Again?

One of the things I worry about with this third baby goes beyond the norm.  Sure, I worry about its health and if everything will be OK during the delivery but not like I did with TD when everything was so brand new and alien.  No, I worry about another round of Post-Partum Depression.  I had high hopes after The Comedian was born that I would escape unscathed and for a while it felt like I might.  While round two was not nearly as bad as the first go round was with TD it was still there and had to be dealt with and gone through.  H and I still had to figure out counseling sessions. I went on medication.  I was lucky to have family nearby who understood and was able to help out too. There were still dark moments, feelings of isolation, crying jags … [Read more...]

Month Four a.k.a. I should be quarantined

Here we are in the thick of month four. Just when I thought we were getting the hang of this whole, "Holy Schnikes! We've got two kids! Batten down the hatches! The house is going to explode with diapers and tiny plastic toys!!" thing I go and get strep throat. Uh, yeah.There's that pesky thing they tell you about when you are post partum. Get sleep. Lack of sleep can put you over the edge and land you in the arid world (complete with sandworms!) of post partum depression. Ha! Thanks for that insight doc! By the way you got a kid in preschool, the whole climate change thing (frost! no frost! shorts today. wool beanies tomorrow.), plus you are breast-feeding? Well then, pack it in lady because you are as good as having the Black Death for the next few months. Did we mention that being … [Read more...]

A Woman Walks Into a Shrinks Office…

Stop me if you have heard this one:A woman walks into a psychiatrist's office and asks to talk about her Postpartum depression medication and dosage. She walks out with a script of an MRI, EEG and a two night sleep study (all accommodations provided, thank you very much.)You never heard that one before? Yeah, me either.Probably because my insurance messed up and listed the neurologist as a psychiatrist and by the time I figured that out I had already filled out the necessary paperwork and was sitting in his office waiting to discuss my diagnosis.At first I just swallowed it all but after a few days of thinking things over, going with my gut instinct on the whole thing and more, I am actually really aggravated. First, the whole eye roll thing he did each time I mentioned PPD just pissed me … [Read more...]

Side Effects

The other day I was reading the fine print of side effects on this new "happy" pill I'm supposed to be taking for all this Postpartum junk.-May cause vomiting that looks like coffee grounds. Awesome! So even if I am not drinking the java it will look like I am! Yippiee!-May cause sleeplessness. A few side effects down it says. May also cause yawning. Gee, ya think? And yes, it does. Just what the PPD lady needs. More sleeplessness. They should just add 'and increased irritability.'On a bottle of natural teething tablets I found the warning:- Consult your physician before taking if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Um.. how many of you out there are still teething or have a secret addiction to all natural teething tablets? Yeah? That many of you. Wow. You should really form a support group … [Read more...]

It’s Nothing Like Last Time

I feel I should check in despite it being a Sunday (read: a day I don't normally post on) because-A. My blog is making my Dad nervous.2. I've had a lot of concerned emails, new twitter follows and some comments that are longer than the norm expressing heartfelt concern and love. I can't even begin to thank you all for all of it. It never ceases to amaze me that the Internet is my friend.andD. I made cupcakes and didn't frost them so clearly there is a problem.If you got that screwed up sequencing then you get a gold star. It's from Home Alone if you didn't.And now for the update:I did some talking with H this weekend. However, all that came after this amazing woman came to my rescue. Really, if someone had told me that a blogger would show up on my front step less than two hours after I … [Read more...]

Eight Weeks

I woke up this morning and realized that Dash Two is eight weeks old now. My, how time flies. I'm back at the gym, she has slept through the night for the first time and no matter what we do she is growing up at a remarkably fast pace. Those tiny baby days are gone already. She is reaching milestones at lightening speed and it was at this point with TD that I was already back at work.While I'm still not feeling out of the woods yet as far as PPD goes, I do know that my bad bout with it coincided with my going back to work. Oddly enough, it is this same week in Dash Two's life that I'm heading out of town for the first time. I know she will be in good hands and if anything happens we have a plan but it just amazes me how fast time goes and how small she seems. I had no choice with TD. I had … [Read more...]

Help Katie, Help Yourself, Help the Future

I yelled in meetings. I swore at my boss and made incoherent rants during discussions at work.I shoved someone into a cubicle wall.Me. While not exactly mild-mannered this was not my usual demeanor.I wanted to mow people down in parking lots for crossing intersections too slowly. I saw no reason why I couldn't. I am not joking. I thought it was perfectly logical to ram into someone, hit them, or even possibly maim them for life all to save me a mintue of my time.I had inexplicable never ending amounts of rage.I wanted to live in our storage space and never come out. I thought it would be a better world if no one found me. The fetal position was never so good.Again. Me. Not normal behavior for myself. While I've never been a Susie Sunshine type my dark side does recede on most days. I felt … [Read more...]


Awww, it's so cute, look at that sweet little one year old blog! I can hardly believe it myself. It's already been a year. In some ways, and this is so tired and predictable of me, it's felt bone gnawingly long and in other aspects it's raced by faster than a hamster on smack. T.D. is one now as well and ever the dictator. She throws her hands up to show displeasure, delights in shrieking loudly, and now walks around with her chest puffed out and her hands behind her back, just like Hitler did to hide the shakes he had in his hands. Isn't that precious?I looked back this morning at some old posts, had a few laughs, cringed at some moments, and realized that I did achieve my goal of staying at home, and also managed to keep up the blog, and start a new career. What a wild year it's been. … [Read more...]

Puff, Puff…

I am jonesing for a fire stick bad these days. I think it's partly to do with the beautiful spring weather. That's right. The weather turns sunny and spring-like and a young girls fancy turns to lighting up a nice cigarette. Aaahh..Can't you just smell the sulphur from the match? Don't you just love that first bit of smoke inhalation?Last year when I was a regular smoker (how else did I handle PPD?!) I would sit out on my deck after work, wine glass in one hand, and ever present cigarette in the other. I would chat with my neighbors about my heinous job, deadlines, and the need for freedom I had boiling inside me. No one told me that becoming a mother in this post-feminist world could make you feel like a bug trapped under a glass. All this week I look out at the unused deck … [Read more...]