My TV Watching Days are Numbered

It is painfully obvious that the writer’s strike needs to come to a resolution. Like um. Now. No baking to be done. No more presents to wrap I had just settled in for a long winter’s… night of TV viewing alone. Yeah! I can watch anything I want. No one will care if I watch crap TV.

Except there isn’t anything on! I began to panic as I scrolled through the guide of my possible choices. Lots of Home Shopping to watch, which shows how unscripted they are despite how fake and set everything else seems on those half hour bonanzas of rose gold and diamondnique must haves.

Then I found it. A full block (we’re talking four back to back episodes here people) of the Sugarbakers a.k.a. the best of the shoulder pads and big hair Designing Women on TVLand. That’s right. I said it. Suzanne, Julia, Charlene, Mary Jo, Anthony, and Bernice. Love me some of that Bernice. She’s such a card! When H found me painting my nails bright 80s red while cracking up over some acid tongue thing Julia was saying to the common man I knew it was time to pack it in and call it a night.

The writer’s strike needs to end soon! I have friends out of work. Also I’ve already DVR’d and might end up actually watching Running Scared on Friday night purely for the kick ass soundtrack. YOU MUST WATCH this superb piece of vintage Michael McDonald video pleasure. Just watch it. Go on. You know you want to. Oh yeah and the completely believable premise that Billy Crystal is a cop. And why don’t men wear tiny half-shirted football jersey’s anymore? It’s so.. manly. Those were the days when music videos were gold if they only had actual Hollywood stars in them lip syncing the words and dancing. Video Gold baby!

Oh yeah. Then there’s this. If you are a Hills fan you will totally understand. Even if you are not, this is what it is coming to. PLEASE GET OUR WRITERS BACK!!! Hills with James Franco and Mila Kunis on

Before I go, I have to alert you to a great contest that PickPackGo is having RIGHT NOW. They have just introduced a monthly giveaway contest for travel items that we can’t live without. You can sign up every month to win (I did and it took 2 seconds), just for visiting our site. Given this holiday season, I thought you my darling readers, might be interested in a shot at getting a portable DVD player. To enter the free contest click here.


  1. says

    I know! I saw that in the previews. I like Running Scared too actually. Now I can’t get Sweet Freedom out of my head either!