A Riddle for You

So what do you get when you take a cranky toddler who will only nap because when she wakes up Daddy (who has been gone 3 weeks) will be home and then Daddy decides to go to the Nationals Opening Day game first so he’s not home when she wakes up?

You get dinner thrown at you by a toddler.

That’s what.

You get an egg salad sandwich hurled at your face by one red-faced, crying with her mouth open and full of egg goo, hurt little toddler screaming for her Daddy.

Fun times. Fun times, indeed.

Then you realize that you have eaten about 12 eggs in three days and that pregnancy does indeed make you eat weird things. Maybe sky high cholesterol makes toddlers behave more like indignant monarchs?

*We have a due date…November 28! More on this melodramatic saga later.


  1. says

    He WHAT????????????? I know H likes baseball but you have got to be kidding me. I hope he feels like a Horsebehind for that. On a side note – A November baby – yea there will be another one of us in this world!