Mtv Haz Video?

Oh, wait. I’m a liar with mah pants on fiyah. It was VH-1 Nocturnal State I was watching at 4 a.m. this morning when I couldn’t sleep.

When I flicked on the TV I was overjoyed to be seeing actual music videos. What a novelty on a music station, no? Seriously! There was no ‘I Love Money’, ‘Exiled’ or shots of Brett Micheal’s swappin’ spit with a woman who wears less make-up than him. It was… dare I say it… refreshing? I did have to swallow some hot vomit as his video, Fallen, played across my screen. I watched bleary-eyed as he sang about one true love or something lasting more than two minutes while all of Rock of Love’s season two’s ladies paraded across the scene. Gah!

If I wasn’t suffering from insomnia and a bit off-kilter with balance I might have gotten up and danced on the couch as I watched Pink, John Legend/Andre 3000 and The White Stripes. Don’t music labels and music networks know that sometimes you can fall in love with a song via the video? It’s a lost world for sure.

I did however see one disturbing thing.

A commercial for a wonderful new box set of DVD classics which includes such titles as The Breakfast Club and Sixteen Candles. Yikes!


  1. says

    I feel ya girl! 🙂 I am always stoked to see actual videos, though I do have to say Brett Michael’s Rock of Love both one and two were guilty pleasures of mine. I love watching someone else’s life prove to be more a trainwreck than mine! ha! 16 Candles and the Breakfast Club are indeed “classics” however, it is just further proof that we are getting old… sad.D

  2. says

    lol, I know exactly what you mean, you turn the music channel on and get everything but.I love those movies, good thing I didn’t see that commercial.

  3. says

    OH GOD! Not 16 candles and Breakfast Club!? Friend and I were just talking about how we hear Def Leppard, Poison, Red Hot Chili Peppers, etc on Classic Rock radio now and what a travesty that is! Not movies too now!! AUGHH…Guess that makes us classics now too. Sigh.