Sarah and Vicky Go to New York City


I’m not Vicky. I am Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah. I’m just filling in while Vicky is in the hospital having a baby. I don’t know if I am supposed to spill the beans or not, so I won’t give any details away but it is fair to say that congratualions are in order for the whole Mummy Chronicles family.

When Vicky asked me to guest post while she had this baby, my first thought was to write about my birth story. Then I started thinking about what I would write and let’s be honest, it wasn’t a pretty day. Yes, I got two lovely children out of the deal but I also got a blood transfusion so unless you are some sort of hematology buff you would probably rather talk about something less disgusting.

I thought we could talk about something that is both amusing and possibly embarassing for our hostess.

I’d like to talk about the time Vicky and I almost went to New York City together.

Remember Camp Baby? Well we drove up together. Vicky and I both live in the DC Metro Area so we decided it would actually take us less time to drive four hours than to go to Dulles two hours early, wait an extra hour for the inevitable flight delay, fly into Newark and then get shuttled to New Brunswick.

Plus, road trips are fun.

The way up was no problem. We had my GPS and Devra and we got to our hotel with only a few wrong turns.

On the way home we were in a hurry. Vicky had a rehearsal dinner she needed to get to that night. We hopped on the road and started gabbing.

My personal favorite part of the conversation was when Vicky told me that she had an internal GPS.

After 30 minutes of driving I started getting nervous. Nothing looked familiar to me. Vicky assured me that she did this drive all of the time and it all looked normal to her. She grew up in the Northeast and she recognised that Ikea.

After 45 minutes of driving we started seeing signs for the George Washington Bridge. The one that would take us right into Manhattan.*

Now if you will look carefully at this map you may notice that if you are in New Jersey, New York and Washington DC are in completely different directions.

Somehow we managed to turn around just shy of the toll onto the bridge. We learned the error of our ways. I think it only cost us an extra $4 on the turnpike and maybe two hours of our lives. I think Vicky eventually made it to her rehearsal dinner. Probably only an hour or so late.

I learned several things this day – 1) Always use the GPS if you have it in the car anyway, 2) Pregnancy throws off Vicky’s sense of direction, and 3) Getting lost on a road trip can be a great bonding experience.

Congratulations on your new baby. I kid because I love.


* At 4:00pm on a Friday.


  1. says

    Maybe I should have gone back in the car with you. Or you could have just taken me to NYC since that is where I went instead of heading back to DC that day! LOLCongrats on the new addition to your fam Vicky!

  2. says

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