I’m All About Trying to be Better and Stuff

Because I don’t even want to get into how many times I was up last night, discovering busted breast pump pieces at 3 a.m. or the tantrum that occurred in our house in the middle of the night that wasn’t by one of the people possessing the XX chromosomes in our house- I give you this- 2009- The Year of the Mom.

button for MU

Feel free to print that zen-like button out and stick it somewhere – like your bosses head- or your car. Everyone in the carpool line will think you are like, totally in the know and they aren’t, despite your Mom jeans. I kid. But not about the Mom jeans. Seriously. Don’t even donate those suckers. Just light them on fire and buy yourself something from 2009.

If 2008 was the year that women went nuts for a teenage vampire and a whiny girl who has no apparent appeal whatsoever, except yeah- to some guy whose been dead about 93 years, go figure- then 2009 is going to be all about-

Training for my first 5K

Hitting up BlogHer one more year

Being a more patient mother. Less JC, more inside voice coming from my larynx.

Sticking to the idea of date night once a week with H. Even if it’s only turning off the TV and talking for thirty minutes before our eyes glaze over, our brains shut down and we fall asleep. At least we’ll probably fall asleep holding hands or touching, which is more than I can say about us on most days with a couch that seats nine.

Saving more, buying less. I do this already but it feels so good and I just need to stay on task and not let that scary little monster of consumerism get a death grip on my wallet and let me free fall into mass materialism again. My little monster looks a lot like the orange Weight Watcher one- only mine is purplicious.

And really? That’s all. I’m not going to try and consume less SBUX or organize more. That’s all stuff that keeps me sane and happy. I’m just going to try and take it slow and focus on these things. I’m sure there will be days where I’ll be running amok with a masque on my face and bitchin’ about hangers but I’m only human.

Oh and one more thing. Maybe I’ll scrap the idea of filming Dash Two dancing to the Humpty Dance and throwing it up on YouTube. It never fails to make me laugh so why not others, right? OK… I won’t do it, I promise.