Like Totally and Gag me with a Spoon

Apparently I upset the 80s gods the other day when I innocently set my Facebook status to having an urge to listen to “bad 80s music”. While I do love my fair share of ‘I love the 80s’ on VH-1 and all that I had no idea people were still so passionate about day glo colors, triple-layered socks, tight-rolled jeans (Sorry Ms. Holmes), WHAM!, Vuarnet (anyone else covet that V in a circle symbol back in the day?) and Duran Duran I am still much more of a bring on the funk and boogie on down to some do the hustle disco. You all seriously don’t like having the 80s called “bad” unless it’s by Michael Jackson do you?

So what’s your favorite song, movie, style or trend from the 80s? Do you still miss wearing your sunglasses at night and believe that Nicholas Cage’s greatest movie role was in Valley Girl?

I know I love a good dose of Rick Astley, A-Ha and Benson (Thank you Hulu!) every once in a while.

Now where did I put my peach Members Only jacket?
