The Triple Threat

I turn 33 today. H has been calling me ‘the Triple Threat’ for the last few weeks. Technically, I think I need to be 333 years old if I really want to be a triple threat but if I were 333 I don’t think I would be too much of a threat to anyone except Medicare.

In the past I’ve had my share of bad birthday karma but since my twenties I have evaded it quite nicely. H works his butt off each year to make sure it doesn’t happen. This year we went away as a family for a quiet weekend at my MIL’s on the water. We had an amazing night out with drinks followed by a perfect dinner for two. The next day as I was reading on the couch (read: half asleep for the second nap of the day.) my parents burst in the door surprising me with a visit. If I count the night out, the surprise visit, and a fabulous dinner of cheeseburgers and my fave coconut cake, H really did provide a triple threat of sorts for my big 33.
Today, it’s rainy and humid. My hair is a frizzy mess and I’m spending the day tackling the laundry monster and doing PBS homework with TD. Honestly? I’m just so happy that I’m not desk jockeying it and that is enough for me.
Say a big ‘Congratulations!’ to Lattes and Life. She gave birth to a beautiful 9 lb plus baby girl on Friday!


  1. says

    Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful time relaxing, and what a nice surprise that your parents were there as well.

  2. says

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I’m 33 also and I find ’33’ is much more fun to say than ’32’. Big consolation, I know. 😉 ANYWAY — love your blogs. You are now on ‘My Heroes’ list on my blog.