Kick Some Box

Despite the fact that I’m under the weather (sigh, again.) I’m going to try kick boxing tonight. 

My attempt at boxing last week was sweat-inducing, red-faced fun, boredom and exhileration all roled into one hour.  While it is definitely an incredible workout I really was loathe to having a basketball being bounced off my stomach.  Yes, you heard me.  It came out of nowhere and immediately pissed me off.  If the instructor wanted to get more fire out of me he got a big ol’ FAIL.  I don’t play that way.  I felt all at once invaded and angry.  I didn’t want to try harder I simply wanted to yell at him, “WTF! WTF is WRONG with you?! Are you MAD?!  I had a baby just a few… oh, wait, it was a year ago…STILL.  You don’t just bounce balls off someone!!”  Get your mind out of the gutter.  You just don’t do that.  When he came around again I played dead.  Back to kickboxing.

When I was fifteen, I saw an article in my local paper ran a story about teenage girls and kickboxing.  My tiny, 90-odd pound self cut the article out and savored it.  I wanted to do this in the worst way, but there was no local place to be found in the tiniest state in the country (No, I do not know what it is like to live on an island.) I felt boxed in and wanted out of my little world.  I had more aggression than was probably normal and I wanted and needed an outlet.  Kickboxing seemed perfect.  Instead, I took hangers and beat my bed working myself into a Ms. Piggy style frenzy complete with heaving breaths and wild hair. I broke glass and generally beat the crap out of inanimate objects for a few years as well.    Smoking helped too. Heh. 

I don’t have so much of that agression or violent tendencies anymore.  OK, maybe just a little.  I still like to beat the crap out of stuff and bite things.  That’s just my nature, I suppose.  It’s one of the reasons why I like to run.  I think kickboxing will be a good thing.  I just hope I don’t snot all over my gloves tonight. 

Check out my post, Ms. Anti-Princess Does Disney, over at DC Metro Moms.