Overheards- Porn

Scene:  TD and The Comedian are waiting for me to pop some popcorn for them.  Much jumping up and down in the kitchen is taking place.


The Comedian: “OPORN! OPORN!”

V:  “Are you trying to say popcorn?  Popcorn is oporn to you?”

The Comedian:  “Oporn!”

TD:  “What’s Porn?”

V: “Oh geez… um.  How did we get from popcorn to porn in under a minute? (nervous laugh) She’s just trying to say ‘popcorn’.  That’s all.

TD and The Comedian:  “PORN! PORN!” (More jumping up and down.)

V:  “NO!  It’s Popcorn.  Pop-cooornnnn.”

All need is for one or both these kids to go to someone else’s house or school asking for porn.
