Blueberry Kale Smoothie Recipe

Blueberry/Kale Smoothie
When I’m feeling bloated or just want a feel good drink in the morning that breaks from the normal protein shake combinations I have created I make this blueberry kale smoothie that is a slight deviation from the Fit Sugar Flat Belly Smoothie

1 cup blueberries (I use frozen, but fresh is fine)

1 bunch of kale, chopped

½ cup frozen pineapple

1 tsp. ground flax seed

3 tbsp. Greek Yogurt (I use plain, vanilla works too)

¾ cup Almond Milk (Almond-Coconut milk also tastes good)

1 tbsp. Almond Butter

Combine together in blender.  Serve.  Makes 1 serving.

Trust me, your stomach will be flatter (if that is what you want) and it fills you up and gives you a great start to your day. 

