Mother’s Day gift guides, reviews, special product placement and sponsored posts have all been pitched to me ad nauseum the last few weeks. I’m over it. What a woman wants for Mother’s Day is pretty personal. I usually want the same thing each year.
1. To sleep in.
2. To read the Sunday paper.
3. To not wash one dish or cook one meal.
4. I want my coffee hot. In a ‘Join or Die’ mug.
And if a copy of Moonrise Kingdom, Rushmore
and L.A. Story
happen to wander into my hands I’m happy. Easy peasy.
Pretty simple, really. There’s something else too and I want it all the time. 24/7, all year long.
I want McDonald’s to stop marketing to my kids. Plain and simple. I know it may seem crazy or just too difficult but I don’t just like to write about health and fitness and the importance of being a fit parent, I try to live it every day.
When my kids are surrounded by corporations marketing unhealthy food options to them on tv, online and even in school (yes, McDonald’s pays schools to print their logo onto report cards and sponsors McTeacher Nights, among other tactics.) or via celebrities like Olympic athlete Gabby Douglas to promote “healthy” eating (I’m sorry, what?! Who eats McDonald’s and then feels fueled enough to perform any activity other than sitting?) I get really angry.
I get it. Companies have to market their products. But they don’t have to call parents “gatekeepers” like McDonald’s does and market to our kids via cheap plastic toys and commercials that show bonding through food that isn’t more than a complex mixture of salt, fat, sugar and chemicals combined to look like a meal. My kids are not should not be targets. Keep your greasy hands off them.
For decades, McDonald’s has profited richly by doing this and the cost is our kids health. It’s also our country’s future. To me, that is absolutely wrong. So this Mother’s Day let’s rally and say that we aren’t “lovin’ it”. Tell CEO Don Thompson to stop marketing to our kids and help in creating a healthier future for our country via our kids.
Do your part and ‘like’ on Facebook. Tweet about it and hit up McDonald’s there too with the hashtag- #MomsNotLovinIt and include
You know I will for my kids sake and yours.
*This post is not sponsored and TMC received no payment for writing it.

Wow?!? I was expecting an article about mother’s day gifts that mom really wants. Instead, I read a screed about the “evils of capitalism”. If mommies were better parents, then the children may not be susceptible to the “brainwasing” of advertisement s. I guess people are “too stupid” to see through the evil marketeers of death.