I sometimes think that summer is best described as a case of white mundane mellowing heat punctuated by icy bouts of excitement. There are those lazy days where you stay in your pajamas or head to the pool. The kids roam the neighborhood with friends and popsicles are eaten on a regular basis. Great books are devoured, binge television happens in air-conditioned basements late into the night and to me, it is a time to get creative and discover new things. In a lackadaisical way I’ve been busy brewing with ideas, projects and testing new things. It’s a slow process that only summer can offer and I can’t help but embrace it and share.
Here’s what I’m loving right now. From workouts to books, things for the home and you, it’s all good. Enjoy!
Stacks of books liter our house and that’s a good thing. My favorite summer read so far has been
Kelly’s words are beautifully laid out in a way that reminds me of my childhood spent on the beaches of New England. Beyond that it is a thrilling read that will have you guessing on the motive behind the mysterious death of a teenage boy and the dark secret set so deep it takes a whole summer to reveal. The characters are both are intelligent and wrought with emotion. Perfect summer read!
I read the book Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Woman’s Prison by Piper Kerman when it was released a few years back and loved it. Netflix and Weeds creator Jenji Kohan teamed up and released 13 binge-worthy episodes this month. All I can say is, GO FOR IT! The characters will stay with you and not in an OZ type way and the flashbacks used tell the story behind the engaging inmates. It’s more than entertaining. For a real in-depth look at the show and why it works read Grantland’s post and then head straight to your Netflix account and queue this baby up! I’ll be here for you when hit episode 13 and go through withdrawal.
We’ve been in our house almost ten years and added three kids in the process. Some days it feels like we are about to bust out of the joint. We purge often but we haven’t made a lot of changes to the place since the kids started coming. Now, it is time to change things up. OK, it is BEYOND the time to change things up but being knee-deep in babyhood for YEARS has taken precedence over paint swatches. First, we re-did the kitchen two years ago, that sated me for a bit. Then we painted the den/playroom this winter. It was all in a prep to move to a bigger home. Things have changed and the move is on hold.
Changes to our house must be made. Pinterest boards must be created.
Pillows can be inspirations.
This one from Knotty Daughters set me off on an odyssey within Pinterest to develop a color scheme and overall look for what I want in the living room/dining room area of our house. Black with an eggshell stitch it will set off the khaki couch and newly purchased drapes that are adding gorgeous light into the space. Paint comes next and then it is time to get crafty. I’m scared just typing those words but ridiculously excited over top of that. I feel some new skills coming on!
Working out has taken a back seat to the degree that instead of four times a week (I know that was a lot and AWESOME) it is more like twice a week. I don’t like it. I feel slower. I needed to jumpstart and work it.
BeFIT GO: 30 Minute Sweat Session is IT!
It’s a firming, burning, calorie incinerating way to get back into it. I’m digging while also throwing in some Ballet Barre workouts I found on ONDemand and YouTube. So fun!!
What are you loving this summer? Let’s hear it!

Just watched the first episode of Orange is the New Black last night and loooooove it.
I also read the book & watched the 1st episode & it made me laugh. Such a great book!