Is there anything more exciting than a Stitch Fix box delivered to your door? Well, the answer to that is a bit complicated. I LOVE getting that little box in the mail. “Oooh…what’s inside?” my brain buzzes. I dream of Breton-striped tops and swishy skirts with cute accessories. I rip open the box and squeal in delight as I sift through the layers of soft and fluttery fabrics, chunky knits and um… long sleeves and sweaters? What the what?!
Hmm… I had asked for dresses and outfits that I could wear to a conference in July. Not October. Why do I have sweaters and long sleeve blouses and two sweaters? Still, the stuff is really pretty and so I eagerly try it all on and try to pair together looks. And it happens again. Nothing fits or is really my style. What looks great in the box or on a hanger never works for me and this is my third box from Stitch Fix.
It’s weird too because I look at the shirt (below) and think it is perfect. I love the styled looks too.
Stitch Fix 1
My styled look
On me the sleeves were too short and it just didn’t look quite right. I think I have made the choice that I am a small polka-dot only kind of girl.
Honestly, the sweater was a bit cropped and I didn’t even want to try it on. It was the one piece I really disliked.
Stitch Fix 3
The Chanelophile in me was in love with the sweater and the looks they styled. On my actual body? Too big and matronly. So SAD.
Stitch Fix 4
This dress was thick and had 3/4 length sleeves. It also just made me look larger than I am. Cute styling though.
In the end, it all went back. In another month I will try it again. I’ve tweaked my preferences and sizes and I hope that helps. The concept behind Stitch Fix is so practical, fun and a wee bit indulgent. This whole post could easily be titled, “Stitch Fix FAIL a.k.a. A First World Problem”.
Grab a button, link up and show off your looks from the last week!
*Featured image from

There seems to be a lot of these box of the months clothes where you keep all or nothing. I am always hesitant since I am not familiar with the quality.
I actually had two misses with Stitch Fix recently but I am trying again in September. I hope they get it right this time because I love the concept! I found and followed you today! Cute blog! Susan
Thanks Susan! Let’s hope it works out for both of us. Third time is the charm, right?!