Whatcha Wearing Wednesday- Summer Days

We’ve been having a real laid-back life here lately. It’s what we need and what summer is all about. I think that if you can grab that time, then go for it. Since a majority of my time is being spent at swim lessons by the pool or hosting kids at my house, I’m not into layering accessories or wearing a whole lot more than shirts and shorts.

This happened-


Paul McCartney at Nationals Stadium (FIREWORKSandFLAMESandCONFETTIandOMIGOD it’s PAULMCCARTNEY!!!!) with my Mom. It’s the second time I’ve seen him in concert and he is my absolute favorite. It’s like doing my bucket list twice!  Also, I cried like a baby when he sang, ‘Blackbird‘.  I sing that song to my girls almost every night at bedtime and to hear it live always breaks me.  I will cop to crying during ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’ as well.

Naturally, a day later I had to sport this concert t-shirt with a pair of khaki shorts and flip flops. I told you, we be stylin’ big time.


Can I wear this every day? It’s super soft and the colors are fantastic!

I decided to put in a bit more effort yesterday, just for you all.


Shirt by Forever 21

Shorts from J.Crew Factory Outlet

Sandals by Orthaheel (Amazon)

There is a lot of casual style going on right now that I love.  Summer is the perfect time to just let things go for a bit and stop trying to keep it so together all the time but still look amazingly beautiful. These ladies are walking that line perfectly- One Little Momma, Sew Caroline, and Two Thirty Five Designs.

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Linking up here too

STYLELIXIR Style Sessions

pleated poppy


  1. says

    Amelia, I haven’t stopped playing his music all week! It was also my Mom’s first concert and she absolutely loved it! 2.5 hours of solid songs and performance!