Facebook, it allows us to keep in touch, nose around and get reacquainted with people from our past. My high school reunion is coming up next fall and with a lot of the planning happening through social media (who could have seen that coming?) it has given me a chance to find old friends. Sara and I became fast friends my first year in a brand new school. While I was still quaking in my suede oxfords (fashion full circle!) and badly permed hair she was calm and cool in a quiet way. She seemed to know everyone and liked to bake just as much as I did. She sent me a note during freshman English and shortly after we were inseparable. Small parts, words that hang like pearls on a string, echo in my ears to this day as clear as when she spoke them at our high school graduation.
Here we are, years later, finding that we still have things in common. Her love of fitness (she’s a Zumba instructor extraordinaire) has always been there but now it is her life’s work and I wanted her to share a bit of that love with all of you.
1. What got you started in Zumba? Was it your first venture into being an instructor? Give me a bit of history on your fitness journey.
I have been running all my life; started doing fun runs with my dad when I was 5. And always liked working out. I joined the YMCA about 9 years ago just to start lifting weights. Zumba was brand new and I started going to the classes. My teacher was amazing. I wanted to be her! I even started drinking red gatordade because that was what she would drink during class. It was the happiest I have ever been, taking a Zumba class. And for some reason I wanted to teach it. So I got certified and tried to market myself to different gyms and have been teaching ever since. Besides Christmas there probably haven’t been too many days I have not taught a Zumba class. I never have gotten tired of it and my love for it grows more and more.
2. For people who feel intimidated by gym classes, especially dance-based ones, what advice can you offer to make it less scary?
The thing I hear most from people who have never done Zumba is: I’m just not coordinated enough. Well, some people truly aren’t. But for 95% of people, its just a matter of coming to classes. Practice is what makes you good at most anything. Zumba has so many different types of people, old and young, skinny, overweight, out of shape. No one really cares. Its not like a CrossFit class where you go in and a lot of people look pretty tough. Zumba is a great first step into the world of fitness.
3. What do you love most about Zumba and being an instructor?
I like to be an instructor becuase I love to choose my own music and make my own routines. I have a strong desire to help people get in shape and I can structure things to try to help them reach specific goals.
4. You just completed training for Insanity. What was the biggest challenge for you with that workout?
Insanity was a great certification. My trainer made all the difference in the world. Physically the workout is challenging, but with modifications anyone can do it. I’m really excited to begin teaching this format.
5. Best part about what you do for a living?
The best part of my job is knowing that I have helped people change their bodies and minds. And the camaraderie with students- many of whom have become my closest friends.
Want to know more about Sara and her group Break Free Fitness? ‘Like’ them on Facebook too.
*Have a personal fitness story or know someone who does? I’m looking for your stories about training for triathalons, marathons, losing weight and just getting healthy! Let’s share our stories and motivate each other to better being!