Disclosure: TMC was not paid for this post. Products received are for review purposes only. Opinions are TMC’s only.
Back when I was a kid (yaaawn) we didn’t workbooks over the summer. At least I didn’t. There was no Summer Bridge series going on in my house. It was a lot of Love Boat watching, Jetson eyeballing and daily intake of Little House on the Prairie. Most of that with a book in my hand while I multi-tasked my two favorite things. I spent a ton of time outside on my bike or at the beach too.
Now? I’m full of good intentions each summer scooping up beginners French, cursive tutorials and bridge books for math, reading and science experiments. Those books end up lasting all year. However, before school started we did find some really great, fun to read and totally educational books that all my kids got into no matter what their age. It was a good way to wrap up summer and start the school year too.
Both of these books are for elementary age children. At lunch one day my 7 year-old asked, “Where does the bread come from for our sandwiches?” I immediately reached for How Did That Get in My Lunchbox? It answered all our questions. The best part was when she learned how chocolate is made. The Electrical Wizard is more historical and gives kids ages 7-12 the story behind Nikola Tesla and his innovative and ahead-of-his-time inventions. Exciting and educational all at once.
Perfect for Preschool
When my youngest was showing anxiety about going to preschool we dug out this book. We read it at nap time for weeks. Peppa Pig and the Busy Day at School is a terrific, cute and funny book about all the things a child can do in just one day at school. It helped ease her anxiety and started conversations between her and her more experienced sisters about what preschool is like on a day to day basis.
For the Math Lover
I have nothing but love for this highly interactive Mesmerizing Math book that consists of games, flaps and background on everything from geometry, numbers, transformations and more. It makes math fun, accessible and easy to explain to elementary age kids. Who doesn’t want to know the geometry of a donut? My oldest loves math and it was a wonderful way to get her to ask questions, engage more and keep on track before school started up again.
*All books by Candlewick Press.