Whatcha Wearing Wednesday- 2941 Fall Harvest

This weekend was jam packed full of fall goodness.  It was as if I was trying to cram a month spent missing out on autumn into two days.


That is exactly what I did.

From spending the day at Planet Spooky at Kings Dominion with the kids on Saturday to spending Sunday afternoon on a day date with H at 2941’s Fall Harvest Festival (sublime!) and even getting my first run in since I’ve been sick.

d&v29412 fries&flowers       The Fall Harvest Festival at 2941 was held Sunday, September 29. It featured eights wines from France and Germany as well as four types of fall beers.  My favorite wine by far was the Leon Bosch, Sylvaner from Alsace, France.  At different tables throughout the restaurant you could taste delicious items like Duck Pithivier or a fall ratatouille. Served with a warm butternut squash veloute I was in heaven.  It was as if I was back in my grandmother’s kitchen.  Smearing slabs of Bucheron goat cheese onto crusty bread while sipping Malbec and having full, uninterrupted conversations with H by a reservoir was a small slice of heaven.  Between the golden, crispy and lightly salted fries at each table and small plates of crème brulee and pumpkin-pecan gateau de crepes I felt complete.  Really, this is my kind of fall festival.




The next day I felt a bit like a screechy, tired mess meaning I may have overdone it.  It was worth it though.  And I liked what I wore enough to put it on Whatcha Wearing Wednesday!



 Top by Target

Pants by Target

Bracelets Vintage

Shoes by Bandalino (old)

Clutch by F21 (similar Lady’s Leopard Print Pu Leather Envelope Clutch Purse Handbag Tote Shoulder Bag)

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