You can’t do anything or go anywhere or read or watch anything right now without hearing that it is now 2014 and time for a fresh start! A blank slate. A new regime!
EAT YOUR LETTUCE! As my husband’s grandmother likes to say, “Whatever.”
I’m not being bitter or down. Quite the opposite. But I don’t fall into the camp that makes vision boards, resolutions or pins ideas for a new year, new you.
Instead, while I sit working on this first day back at school for the girls (OHMYGODTHEQUIET!), I relish the silence but still miss their fracas. I think about how this morning during my devotions I kept thinking and seeing the word, peace, float through my mind. I want it coursing through my heart even more this year than last.
And last year was pretty great. I cannot complain at how for the first time in years, nothing major rocked our world. There were no deaths, no moves, no job losses or transitions. I didn’t birth another baby either. Nothing. It was pretty smooth sailing and I feel really blessed.
What I want for this year. This 2014. The only 2014, is to celebrate others more. I want to showcase your stories and tell your tales of physical triumphs. I want to meet up with you more online and in person, if possible, and really relish in collaborating together.
Starting next week there will be more fashion with the inclusion of Fizz & Frosting ‘Mix it Mondays’ (go read Lauren now- she is quite fantastic!)some days plus stories about those of us meeting new goals and running marathons that change us. I can’t wait! I hope you join me!

Love it! Great new changes – and more peace is always a plus!
Stopping by with #CommentLove
Here’s my take on the new year!