Welcome to another week of Whatcha Wearing Wednesday! I’m so glad you could join us!!
The snow is swirling around in a fast, white mess right now and in just a few hours it will be a winter wonderland. It’s January. It’s fine. Check back with me in a few days when I’m sick of looking at the ice-capped, slush-fest aftermath. I’m sure it will be a different story.
This week it is all about more! More in 2014 (#morein2014)! I’m working on a little project about what I want to do, see and find more of in 2014. Inspired by the Mom 2.0 Summit folks and their instagram #morein2014 project, I’ve been taking daily shots of what I’m wearing. I want to turn this into my chance to showcase the fashion scene at Mom 2.0 in Atlanta this May. If you haven’t heard of the Mom 2.0 Summit (don’t let the name scare you away!) then look it up. FAST! Before it sells out. I swear is the BEST conference I have ever been to, each and every year, in all my years of blogging. That’s a lot of conferences and a lot of years, BTW. Each time I attend, I come away with a game plan for the year, new connections that land jobs and create or cement lasting friendships and relationships and oh, just a real, tangible set of ideas and overall good feeling that propels me through to the next year. Yes, it’s that awesome.
I always do a write-up post-conference about what I wore and FB, tweet and instagram my looks in real time but here are some of my favorites from #morein2014 during the past week.
More chic, classic styles in 2014!
Pea coat worn over a button-down shirt & gold link necklace (Lands’ End)
Just because it is a Wednesday doesn’t mean you have to skimp on the sparkle.

Love the metallic clutch!
I’m so with you! I’m all about more classics for 2014!
That metallic clutch is gorg!! More classics for me in 2014 too!!! let’s work and rock it!! xoxo
I’m all about classics this year as well!! And I love that you photo of the sparkle was taken in the car – true mummy multitasking!
Love the idea of more classics! Easy to dress up with more metallics and more sparkle, too 🙂 Thanks for hosting!