Last week I walked into your room, which is now your own little world, and as I stepped over the Lego creations, workbooks left open, abandoned paper dolls and bits of American Girl paraphernalia I saw just how big you have grown in such a small space of time. I thought about how eight years ago your father and I were enjoying our last bit of time as a twosome eating out numerous times sans baby carrier and diaper bag. We had no idea what we were doing and I remember toasting to your one month birthday because you had survived our inept first month of parenting.
Rollin’ with my homies
TD, you have grown into a sweet, thoughtful girl who shows joy through maniacal laughter, wild eyes and a request for immense amounts of sugar. You are half UniKitty and the rest is a totally unique combination of boxer, smart cookie, and negotiator who hates to back down. You bring such joy to your whole family with your ever-expanding heart who is always up for adventure, making new friends and helping your sisters learn the ropes of life.
Your father and I cannot believe how lucky we are to have you in our lives. We could never have known how much you would brighten our days and show us what it takes to be a family. Your sisters look up to you so much and love spending time with you and learning from you. I hope you will always know the value of family and keeping it close and tight to your heart. It pleases me so much that you are such a Mommy’s girl. I love spending time with you reading “big girl” books like Little House on the Prairie, like my mom did with me. I love showing you my favorite films and seeing the joy you get from them just as I did. The times we spend together, just the two of us, are more special to me than I can ever fully express but I hope I do it enough so that you can always feel and see the love pouring from my heart to yours.
We love you, TD. Happy Eighth Birthday!
P.S. TD, I agree. Jimmy Fallon is the greatest dancer. No jive.

I am all choked up. I cannot believe she is 8. This is a beautiful post. It is so sweet that you have these milestones documented for her in the future!