I’ve been in full on spring cleaning mode the last …oh wait. I’ve been purging our house since January 2. It’s like a fever. Being cooped up I keep finding things to get rid of, donate or sell. It might be an addiction. I’ve been really bad about stocking up and working out though. Blame it on total dust bunny eradication exhaustion or um, general winter malaise.
I couldn’t take it any longer and after a friend mentioned on Facebook that she would be trying out the latest Jillian Michaels DVD. I knew it was just the kick in the pants I was looking for and desperately needed.
I mean, who doesn’t like that whole drill instructor yelling at you thing that Jillian does? It actually works on me and keeps me going during those super hard intervals that the 7-Day Shred consists of and revels in. That’s the thing about the Jillian Michaels One Week Shred. It’s only for SEVEN DAYS. You need to workout for 30-minutes twice a day. Once in the morning doing strength training. Then again at night doing your cardio. I can’t figure out which one is harder and which one is more fun. I like them equally. They are both hard. She challenges you to do the circuits and not stop. You can modify but even that tests you.
Want to try it out? Join me! While my insane three-kid with work schedule doesn’t allow me to do it twice a day, I’m doing the workouts once a day and alternating them by day. Let’s see if it really does change the way we look and feel!
On another note, I’m looking at a ton of cute new outfits on Pinterest and stocking up my online shopping carts with things I want for spring and summer. As I was doing that and working on my latest article for Social Moms, ‘Four Favorite UPF Clothing Lines’ I realize I don’t know if any of my outdoor and workout wear is UPF.
Do you wear UPF protected clothes to the pool or to run or walk outside?

I have heard such good things about this workout video! I must try it! She is awesome, tough, but awesome! Love the big purple sunhat!