Friday night had me running around throwing kids into the tub, ironing tuxedo shirts and making dinner and phone calls all at once. It was more than a three ring circus but it was all for a good reason. TD was in her long-awaited talent show at her school. Her group, having picked the song last November, had spent the last few months diligently practicing their version of “What Does the Fox Say.” I knew I had to get everything in order before she and I left for the school while her sisters and Dad stayed home until the show was ready to begin. I hadn’t done my hair that day, I was too busy with life and this show. I wasn’t dressed for leaving the house.
I decided to just run with the first thing that popped into my head. A thrifted, brand-new, starched and never worn ladies tuxedo shirt. I took off the black decorative buttons, rolled up the sleeves and tucked it into some boyfriend jeans that I rolled a bit higher and slipped on my black booties. I did a bit of a bouffant-ponytail and added black and gold ball stud earrings. I added my gold bee pendant H gave me for Valentine’s Day for good luck. TD’s middle name is Beatrice and she often wears a matching pendant. It wasn’t until H said, “Oh you are both wearing tuxedo shirts!” that I realized what I had done.
It was like a new level of stage mother had been born. Oh well. Too late to change! We scurried out the door.
This outfit was a bit of a branch out for me. Wearing boyfriend jeans with booties, the hem rolled higher than normal is beyond my own norm. But it worked. Between the compliments from H and friends at the show I felt like I pulled the look off and it was comfortable too. The whole night was a huge win. My girl and her group rocked that show in the cutest way!
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Linking up with The Pleated Poppy/Because Shanna Said So/Vodka Infused Lemonade/DC in Style/Style Elixir

Aw, your daughter looks adorable and I bet their number was a blast. Your outfit pieces look classic but I’m LOLing at the “new level of stage mother.” TOO FUNNY!
Gina @ On the Daily Express