Last week, I wrote an fitness post about mud runs on Social Moms and a few days later I was asked if I wanted to talk further about the topic. Typically, the answer would be no. As many of my friends have waded the muddy waters and climbed over walls I have stayed away from such runs. The idea of having to pack extra clothes, and basically scale a wall or submerge myself in mud as I belly crawl under wire did not appeal to any part of me.
After writing this one-off piece I found I couldn’t stop thinking about it. What a great new way to challenge myself. To try something that goes beyond my normal. I began to wonder if maybe the new way to motivate myself was to sign up for one of these events with a friend or two and begin to train harder again. If I sign up for a fall race, like Mudderella, which requires fund raising for domestic violence, I have time to get stronger and gain more stamina.
If you are looking for a bit of a challenge or getting out of your fitness comfort zone like I am then check out my article on Social Moms, “Get Down & Dirty: The Skinny on Mud Runs“.
The pictures plastered across Facebook feeds look like such a blast. Covered in dirt your friends never looked more challenged and exhilarated post-mud run. Should you do it yourself the next go round? What do you need to know in advance before signing up and climbing over your first wall? Get the lowdown on this latest fitness trend and find out if a mud run is really in your future.
No matter how laid back and fun these races look they can actually be a little more dangerous than other races. Being prepared is the key to survival at these events…read more.
What way are you challenging yourself lately? Are you trying to take better care of yourself, like my friend, Maria, from Very Busy Mama? Like the cheesy ads, you are always worth it.

Funny you should post about this today…I just recapped by experience with the Spartan Race on my blog today too! 🙂
Kellie @