The flyers came slipping out of the Sunday morning paper yesterday, full of brightly colored photos of notebooks, pencils and markers. All shiny and new, ready to be purchased at the lowest marked price. “It’s back to school season already!” they shouted. Beckoned really, like a sirens call. I’m not really ready for it.
Yes, I’m tired of the bickering between the girls, but I like the freedom summer gives us to travel more, be outdoors and take naps in the sun. I need more naps. The fact that the school supply list was sent out and posted online gave me the shivers. Then I realized that we also needed to think beyond new backpacks and cute dresses for the first day of school. Just as important as a new box of crayons or those six glue sticks the teacher requested are the vaccinations for whooping cough, the flu and more.
Back to school health is important for a variety of reasons. Keeping your kids vaccinated not only protects your child and your family, but your child’s classmates as well. Don’t forget teammates and other kids they come into contact with at school. It doesn’t stop there either. If you are active in your community then it is important to be up to date on your vaccination health to help keep your community healthy too. Vaccinations are key to preventing outbreaks of certain illnesses and diseases that can effect an entire community, not just one child. In addition to that, regular attendance at school is one of the easiest ways for a child to stay on top of their studies throughout the school year. A healthy child equals a child who is ready and able to learn at school each day. It is one of the easiest and best ways to give them a head start.
I’ve teamed up with Minute Clinic for their #GoBackHealthy campaign because I love how I can take my whole family in to get their vaccinations in one 30 minute visit. That’s five people, folks in a half hour. How awesome is that?

More info on back-to-school with Minute Clinic with state guidelines, plus how to get $22 in coupons for all your health needs! Start planning now to beat the rush. It’s easy to do and takes just a short time. See how fast it is today!
*Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with Minute Clinic. All opinions are 100% my own. I use Minute Clinic with my family and believe in the #GoBackHealthy campaign.

I’m so happy you did a post on this! I’ve heard so many parents talk about NOT vaccinating their kids and it totally freaks me out – I don’t think they realize those vaccines protect you from life threatening illnesses – they are just for fun!