This is what I feel like when I run. It is a feeling of freedom. I take notice of the world around me when I’m not whizzing past it at the speed of light. I feel exhilarated when it is done, that it is done and I lived to run another day. That my body is strong enough to do it and love it. It brings me back out for another run.
And this is what I actually look like.
Are my feet even off the ground? I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. I get out there. I run a few times a week and really do enjoy it. I’m actually smiling in that picture! I’m running this race again today. It’s the Yorktown 8k. A small race but a fun one through the battlefield. I run it with my Dad and it is a great way to start this Fourth of July Weekend. I swear that man is going to have to let me take a selfie of the two of us post-run this year.
If you are a new runner or just want to improve your speed or feeling during your runs I wrote this post up at Social Moms, Baby Steps to Better Running. It just might motivate you to get out there or keep you going and to the next level.

Love this! This is so true for me, too. I’m gonna go for a run, now. Get my Energizer Bunny stride on. 😉