Happy Birthday to The Fifth Element!
a.k.a. Serious Baby
It’s a cloudy day today, much like the day you were born when the rains poured down so heavily every news station showed nothing but flooding throughout the District and into Maryland and Virginia.
In some ways that day seems so long ago. I believe that you have made this family and its heart grow bigger with love and thoughtfulness because of you. You share so easily with everyone and are always willing to cuddle and give hugs. You are the watcher of our group with an intuitiveness and resourcefulness beyond your years. You ability to be silly, sweet and loving makes me more like that too.
I love how you look at life and style it up each day.
Channeling Melanie Griffith
I’m so proud of you and all that you do. I hope you have a delightful birthday full of the love and laughter that you bestow upon us. A dash of order and organization to keep you sane and some tasty treats to round out the day.
Happy Birthday to MY little super hero!

Awww happy birthday. She is presh!